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Everything posted by T9Text

  1. I make the xml by myself :) http://pastebin.com/V8iHWBC8 If you want to help me with java side im waiting :) //Edit Pastebin
  2. How ? :S im new on aCis :P i was use l2jfrozen and i know only how to connect sql :S can you give me the method ? and i miss and xml atm :S
  3. I dont know how to connect html with xml :/ <img width=32 height=32 src=" + itemId.getIcon() + "> ?? or what... dont need on java side something ? only one xml ?
  4. No :/ but i think i can find this .xml ( i think is shared like) <list> <id=57 icon=icon.etc_adena_i00> <id=.....> </list>
  5. Hello guys :) I have end my "Shift Click Action" but i dont know how to link (Item Icon) If somebody can help me :) Preview : //EDIT Source : l2jaCis
  6. Solved.... Lock it :)
  7. How can i do when one player kill a mob with "X" id to give him a buff with 50% Chance for "X" seconds ? Thanks.
  8. Hello guys.. I want to make on "EnterWorld.java" method with "server time" like this: if (serverTime > 12:00 && serverTime < 14:00) { player.teleToLocation(X, Y, Z, 0); } else if (serverTime > 14:00 && serverTime < 16:00) { player.teleToLocation(X2, Y2, Z2, 0); } else.... So when a player Join to be auto teleport. How can i do that ? :) Thanks.
  9. I make it already the shifr click on npcs.. But i dont work at al... Only monster boss etc :) i ll try it when go home to test it.
  10. i want to add this logic on "ShiftClick to used only pn monster/boss/grandboss...
  11. How can i make something like if(Target = L2Monster) { //Logic } ?
  12. (Sorry for Dubble Post..) I delete all lines inside "Interface.xdat" and my login still exist like retail -.- maybe is inside "Interface.u" or ? :/
  13. an dn exw ton code dn borw na kserw :/ (Gia interlude milame?)
  14. mipos exei 8ema to Java Code sou...
  15. Kalhspera... ksekinisa na ftiaxnw ena Community Board gia interlude. An 8a i8ele kapios na help (me tin java side pio polu gt eimai new stin java) borei na mou stilei PM :) Preview:
  16. On Gracia+ client called : LoginMenuWnd
  17. Hello MaxCheaters. Im trying edit my Lobby (INTERLUDE) and i can't find "LoginMenuWnd" to edit inside "Interface.xdat" More info: I want to edit this : and this : Can somebody help me? :)
  18. Hello MaxCheaters Im New on this forum and i want to make friends xD I make things for Lineage II =ABOUT ME= I like to learn things about Developing I love Interlude Client of Lineage II I had online servers ========== Now i will start a new "Project" with Interlude Pack to create a good server for Sharing.
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