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Everything posted by T9Text

  1. An ksereis boreis na ftiakseis diko sou L2BufferMangerInstance.java dn ein polu diskolo (recommented apo java kalhera)
  2. Dld mono me mysql exeis 8ema.? Pi pack asxolise.....
  3. Dn aksizei to l2jhellas... to paratisane apoti katalava... kai tin buffer pou dokimases.. apla ta import alazeis.
  4. Akoma pio rfkolo na kaneis CB... prosopika dn 8a se sunvouleva na asxolise me frozen... h' asxolisou... alla min anikseis srrver me frozen (sinvoulh )
  5. Se sunvoulevw se ena Intetlude pack.. voh8isa.? xD Ade lege twra ti 8emata exeis...
  6. Ma ta html ta kaneis easy... apla vazeis "bypass _bbshome;HtmlName.htm" Ti project exeis...?
  7. Ti akrivos 8eleis na ftiakseis..? Pio ein t skill s stin java..? To diko m Community http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/194081-community-board/?do=findComment&comment=2490417
  8. What you mean 'fast' ? You add 15 ID on system and 1 XML -.- You have so quick service.. o_O
  9. can somebody help me to fix this code ? import java.awt.Desktop; import java.net.URI; import java.util.logging.Logger; public final class SpecialServices { private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(SpecialServices.class.getName()); public static void openBrowserURL(String url) { try { if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop.getDesktop().browse(new URI(url)); } else { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.exec("/usr/bin/firefox -new-window " + url); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warning("Failed to open url " + url + " " + e.getMessage()); } } } its working but with one problem.... when i press the button ingame ..... Browser is opened on VPS and not on my PC :'(
  10. gameserver/config/head/altsettings.properties # List of NPC's that allow casting skills on them # Any other type will not allow casting AllowedNPCTypes = L2GrandBoss,L2Chest,L2FestivalMonster,L2Minion,L2Monster,L2Pet,L2RaidBoss,L2SiegeGuard,L2SiegeNpc,L2ControlTower,L2Artefact,L2PenaltyMonster,L2FeedableBeast,L2SiegeFlag,L2RiftInvader,L2Guard,L2GuardNoHTML Malon kati alakses edo
  11. And this peoples selling pack's and then destroy the servers -.-
  12. To kanw gia ton diko m server file :S
  13. Thx re guys :) sxedon to telionw :P
  14. i share for free :poker face: :poker face: :poker face:
  15. You can make 1043939407238 npc's with Type=L2Npc -.-
  16. Pigene to SQL (sto accounts.sql h' sto characters.sql) prepei na einai... kanto delete
  17. Man... just i have to pay for your project when i know i will not have all revs (just 10) so if i buy it now... and after 11 revs you import tezza and zaken.... then i will be idiot... So go work and end the project then sell it for 100Euro... but will be worth... cuz i will have L2J like L2OFF.... OK ? till you end the project you cant ask for money... Idiots people pay for unsuccessfully files. :)
  18. -.- rly... you have type="L2NpcIntance" ?
  19. Change it to L2NpcInstance..... not L2NpcInstaneInstance -.-
  20. So everyone have to pay for 2 boss ans 10 quest when every project (fail or not) share that Scripts 4 free... When aCis have end every quest/boss add that shits at SVN.
  21. Katarxas la8os section.. //On Topic Pare ta 'interface.u' & 'interface.xdat' Apo t palio s system.
  22. Is same npc with that http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/169025-grand-boss-infos-for-acis/ just replace the timer with <font color=FF0000>Dead</font>
  23. Pistevw oti boroume na ksexorisoume to "Vote Manager" apo to "Vote System"... :)
  24. its for my server :) sorry my friend :/ btw .. Thanks :) //P.S. And the good think is cuz all is only / java and client :P not Htmls
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