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Posts posted by Reborn12

  1. 11 minutes ago, Solomun said:

    First of all, "fix pet acis 370" says nothing. You could either take some time and explain your problem so we can help you, either post like this and you will never get answer/help.

    Seems like he want to say that pet kills a mob but mob dont die..no idea what he means...he could easily make a 30 sec video 

  2. 3 hours ago, Evie Frye said:


    Obviously i want attention from a guy who is dad yet call other people retards and no lifers on the internet. 

    Again you know everything about me, about my life, girls e.t.c I'm sure you're watching my house from google maps now ROLF 

    Please don't stop posting you entertain me. 

    Why don't u arrange a meeting with me and we conversate those things internet guy? You talk for real life yet if i tell u to meet me in real life u gonna find exquses or bypass it so i can say your braintrash dont even know what it wants.

    When i will come to Greece i would like to meet you...im not that guy you told..

  3. 11 minutes ago, 'Baggos' said:

    Internet can hide your face, but no your personality. Anyway. 

    You talk about codes,codes,codes and codes. Nothing more.. Go and find a girl to feel better.. You're not even 24, but you're old enough to understand some things. Find a real job man and wake up. Stop being the guy for the soft drinks and be something better.

    He cant he is just the guy who knows everything...he wants some attention from ppl thats it...its like the guy who killed everyone in texas...bored life,none speak with him,no girls,no real life,just need attention

    • Haha 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:


    Same thing a cs 1.6 hacker say when others call him hacker. "Me hacker? LEL you guys have no idea." ROLF kids

    28 years old guy and seems like 7years old you are crying every time that someone says you no..kiddo go out make some friends see whats real life is...

  5. 13 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:


    Afcourse you know everytime. Noobish trash i have 6 people on my skype who said you failed to do simple code. If you think i lie simply add me and we disquss all in a group. Cry more now and entertain me EX-NOOBISH team rolf


    PS. I love how reborn12 and Baggos lick each other. 2018 

    failed to do simple code ahhaha??maybe never worked with that 6 guys?

  6. 48 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:

    Rolf 10 days for 2 scale on some existenced npc in H5. EX-Team and when we PM him to do faster he write back "I trust you, wait", as if he wait for us to do the job. 

    First of all nothing to do with ExTeam nevesoma is not a part of this..he doing just his work..second i helped your client to send the money to nevesoma he send me the money via bank and now im waiting nevesoma to fix his paypal then i can send the money...if you dont know what happened just ignore it...btw about What Sweets said for your codes its true...you never test any code..some weeks ago i done  a code that you get paid for this 3 times and never worked..

  7. 17 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:


    Let it be don't bother messing with the EX-Team. My client gave money to NeveOma 10 days ago though reborn12 and he still wait for 2 NPC to be scaled x2 size. Their job is hardcore !!!

    At least he will take his npcs...

  8. 5 minutes ago, 'Baggos' said:

    You're not a man who we can work with.. Your mind it's stuck like a kid. I asked you to buy your tournament, but no answer from your side and that's why one day I comment something against you!!!!! Well, you have serious problem and I can see that.. As I said in the past, I feel sorry for you! I hope someday you will grown up enough for this real world.

    You came to explain why sweets comment for your crap? Yes little man.. Try it before sell it. Why I should pay if there are bugs? Simply checks or something I don't care.. It's the same.

    Let me code it :p

  9. 30 minutes ago, SeconD said:

    Oh great. Firstly you tell me about stuck players, now you are talking about mining. Hm..It is interesting, what will be next?? What new theory you will create :D ?  

    As moderator you should be a little bit more objective and smarter :)

    As always, I can say only thing: haters gonna hate. I would like to see what have you done in your l2 world? If you tried, congrats for trying. Before you done something really huge, like l2blaze, you cannot talk. GG

    its not a theory its the truth..and what i have done or i will do at the future will not be huge like L2blaze...even with some messages i can have 20 ppl online in my server

  10. 21 minutes ago, SeconD said:

    Show me your old trick, make a video how do you logout and your players still online.

    They all logout too? :D yeah, yeah.. Why some many jealous ppl?



    Really?do you think i will download your patch and i will let you mining with my cpu?

  11. 20 hours ago, SeconD said:

    jaja :D gg gf joker

    Players gonna play, ppl like you just gonna cry. Go to some russian server with REAL 10k on :D



    We all know that you use fake players..when player logout still online ...even if they try to log in again they need to try twice...old trick

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