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Posts posted by Reborn12

  1. Hello,i have decide to Create this event for maxcheaters community..

    One winner will win a code Created by me(Boost Event)

    It will be only for l2jacis based java 1.8..


    EVENT Rules:

    only 1 reply per profil..

    Same ip replies will be removed..


    HOW TO WIN :

    simply reply with a random number 

    from 1 to 30

    event will Finish at 5/7 00:00..

    have fun and Good luck to everyone will take part on this!!!


    1- xxdem

    2- luannbr

    3 - zurcnaner

    4 - L2jNexus

    5 - SweeTs

    6 - Tazerman2

    7 - Sinister Smile

    8- kiduu93

    9 - bras1las

    10- Sidereal Day

    11 - HARDECORE

    13 - Mantosh

    14 - Rootware

    15 - wongerlt

    16 - Sebana

    17 - AchYlek

    19 - melron

    21 - japarzo

    23 - PaRaNoiC*

    24 - l2jkain

    25 - Baggos

    29 - .Elfocrash

    30 - francina

    • Thanks 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, melron said:

    this is happening because getSkills.values() is returning a collection. 

    Change the array to collection or convert the collection into array.


    L2Skill[] chaSkills = cha.getSkills().values().toArray(new L2Skill[cha.getSkills().values().size()]);


    Collection<L2Skill> chaSkills = cha.getSkills().values();


    First of all he never said the source name..second one its very easy to find the right method name with just searching over eclipse 


  3. 7 minutes ago, Frank said:


    Now you act like 10y old kid who lost his ball. If you don't care then why you opened this topic? Don't claim that you wanna show the community how bad those mods are cause no one cares. Everybody is here for a reason and I doubt that even 1% of this community really cares for everyone's problems with mods etc. So just find your own reasons to stay around and inside forum rules lines or logout and never come back. 

    He never follow rules..just read the 5th post there and you will understand why he acts like 10y old..



    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, kavvadi said:

    well if baggos could get his point all these wouldnt be necessary

    I get his point at least..but he will never stop flame..i didnt chat banned him when he didnt respect my family and told that my kids are trashes..now its time to respect or just i will never let him chat again here..

    • Upvote 1
  5. Connection must be fixed...search my vote system shared and take connection from there...in share section..will work fine with https details link here you are just change the config with yours


    protected static int getHopZoneVotes()
    		int votes = -1;
    			final URL obj = new URL(Config.VOTES_SITE_HOPZONE_LINK_HOP);
    			final HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
    			con.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "L2Hopzone");
    			final int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
    			if (responseCode == 200)
    				try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())))
    					String line;
    					while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
    						if (line.contains("Total Votes") || line.contains("rank tooltip") || line.contains("no steal make love") || line.contains("no votes here") || line.contains("bang, you don't have votes") || line.contains("la vita e bella") || line.contains("rank anonymous tooltip"))
    							String inputLine = line.split(">")[2].replace("</span", "");
    							votes = Integer.parseInt(inputLine);
    		catch (Exception e)
    			System.out.println("Server HOPZONE is offline Trying to Reconnect");
    			Announcement.VoteAnnouncements("HOPZONE is offline...Trying to Reconnect");
    		return votes;
  6. 1 hour ago, Kara` said:


    So childish :'( You break my heart.



    Obviously i gave him a source which is 2 years old it doesnt even have duplicated name fix. The trade was months months ago...

    So you knew there was some bugs and sold it like the best pack...and you didnt even fixed the bugs you knew..very good job from your side..he gave you money and you gave to him a shit source..i saw the errors with my eyes..sorry but this replies is against you...

  7. 5 minutes ago, Evie Frye said:

    As far he told me in private this is what i understood that he is willing to pay from the earnings and that you all work as a team. 

    Afcourse i explained him that this is now how "L2J" devs in maxc work and that nobody nowadays trust to work in a "Huge" project from some stranger without some cash in the first place. Soon he will understand that he must pay at least 50% before in order to get someone to work with him else he wont get any dev.

    I will agree with this....

    I had worked for a project some months ago was fine i build from zero their pack i got my price and for the extra they told me that i will take % from the earnings they took over 500euro from donations but i never got paid any cent...and was working with them at least a month...

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