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About AnOldFriend

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    United States

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  1. www.L2dread.com its probably what u are looking for!
  2. i got the same problem. PS : How can i use this code??
  3. interlude-online.ru It is russian but you can play on your own or in the only english clan in the server. You can get max items if u play a lot and you are smart enough =) i can help you with some advices and some items in case you want to buy them (full items for 30E f.i.)
  4. I tried with adrenaline and other bots and the thing i get is seconds after login, i get DC'ed by gameguard! Any solution?
  5. still having items?
  6. Hello. I am new to the forum and the whole thing. Could you please help me find a working bot on L2 Interlude-online.ru? I am familiar to L2walker but the version i tried didnt work. (chinese n stuff) Server Info : protected by gameguard interlude Thanks in advance!
  7. Hello people! So , things stopped for me back in 2011 when i quitted L2. I used to bot a lot with L2 Walker. :-) Now, i started a PvP server (just for some fun) and i can't get through all that information. I downloaded a version of L2Walker but i can't make it work. Your help is valuable! Servers name is "interlude-online.ru" . I would like to know if there is a working walker (any kind of botting program) and if there is a guide for it!! Thanks a lot dudes =) Hf! ps : Made a mistake in the category ... please move it to botting session! Thanks!
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