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Everything posted by synco

  1. server is growing everyday join us there
  2. rate changed to 25x and many other changes made since server opened join me there xD
  3. i tried this but cannot get the same account logged twice is there a trick to this?
  4. any1 tried on Dragon Network? i get disconnected from trading char if i try to log him again (account in use)
  5. why do u need NPC for removing buffs when changing subclass will remove all buffs? oO
  6. waiting for more interesting scrips to Dragon-Network ;D thanks for the posted ones
  7. have you heard about spoiler? make a sin eater go spoil recipe and craft soes in my opinion going w/o btb staff to oly sucks
  8. you can use some IP scanner to find out other IP's and MAC addresses and change both of them (because ISP's that have static IP's usually assign them by MAC) and ... ISP don't just change IP's because u got perma ban on some game ...
  9. without SOES btb you don't go to oly ... and this is the best way to do it 1. equip HOM+CON 2. Equip ur items which increase HP and use Fist Fury 3. Use SOES+BTB 4. Equip Fists + Health... as posted by zazazaza
  10. not working on Dragon NOTwork :P
  11. any1 knows if this works on Dragon Network? i couldn't make phx work :(
  12. any1 tried this lately in Dragon-Network?
  13. Any1 tried this in Dragon Network servers?
  14. first game i played on my own PC was Mortal Kombat 1 ... back in '96
  15. Welcome dude. Enjoy your stay.
  16. Welcome. I'm also new here ;D
  17. Hi all, I'm Marius, new to the citors community. currently playing L2 on Dragon Network so if any1 from there can help a brotha out with some tips, PM ME.
  18. Hello all. I'm kinda new to boting and i was wondering if any1 has a guide or smth on how to bot Hellbound private server (i'm playing on dragon network). can you give me link to a post or programs i should use to make the bot work? any help would be much apreciated. Best regards to all
  19. bump from me 2 i need to make some MS :P if any1 know how to do it please share with us
  20. this is probably the noobiest question? where do i find token.exe? it's in l2walker folder. i searched all drive partitions but no such file please help. any1 who used this on DN please PM ME
  21. any1 have any thoughts about SR / ES?
  22. you own the server or play on a free server?? if you play on a free server ask the Admin of that server
  23. what client must i use for this server? Interlude?
  24. the server sound rly good gonna download patch when i get home :D
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