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Posts posted by Sybar

  1. You can open, view and export .utx files using, either: 


    L2Editor https://forum.zone-game.info/attachment.php?attachmentid=879&d=1505904250

    L2Tool https://github.com/acmi/l2tool

    UE Viewer https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel


    I would use L2Editor and change the name but it may cause some issues.


    Remember to  encode your .utx after you're done with manipulating it. 


    Use mxencdec


    Does that help?

  2. When you unpack textures, they may not always look exactly the same, this is because they may be reshaped or scaled inside the game.


    in XDAT Editor navigate here: http://prntscr.com/qiezn7


    Hoover with your mouse cursor over the texture name, as shown on the screenshot above, to see the texture.



    Change it in XDAT Editor for something else to confirm that you're looking at the right one.


    You can reload textures in game using the command 




    Hope this helps 



  3. Thank you for your reply.


    I'm sure that there's a hidden way of doing it, probably only known to the original game devs.


    I could potentially, debug the server, make changes in client, then without closing the game, logout and change key packet to classic, force reload of dats, then logout again, change packets to GC etc... which de facto would be more complicated than just closing the client and opening it again.

  4. 4 hours ago, Sphingael said:

    Hello, I'm trying to use L2ClientDat for 166 Fafurion client

    i was able to decrypt .dat files using: structure: 31_ru_fafurion or 32_en_fafurion, decrypt: v413_original, but there is no v413_original encryption. encrypting with v413_encdec results in a crash on server selection. what could i do differently?

    I'm having the same issue and was wondering if there's a way to encode with v413_original.


    I had no issues with editing Russian GC .dat files which were decoded and encoded using v413_encdec. It leads me to believe that not being able to decode and encode using the same version is the problem, not l2gamename. 

  5. Has anyone got any idea how to edit elements of the character creation screen in Grand Crusade?


    Need to edit/remove elements in red boxes as shown on the screenshot




    For example:


    Classpath (need to remove 4th class)

    Awakened Characteristics (need to remove)

    Ertheia race button (need to remove)


    I've tried XDAT Editor, but I cannot find the corresponding window.



  6. I tried converting Grand Crusade Icon.utx so it can be used with H5 but I keep getting crashes.


    Original Grand Crusade Icon.utx:




    1. I get Icon.utx from Grand Crusade
    2. Use l2tool to convert it L2 -> UnrealED
    3. Then I use ElfocrashTool to encrypt Icon.utx into Icons.utx (after changed name)
    4. Unfortunately after copying it to SysTextures folder of my High Five client and using one of the icons the game crashes

    I've also tried other encdec's with the following codes but the crashes keep happening

    l2encdec -e 111 Icon.utx
    l2encdec -e 121 Icon.utx



    Could anyone help me out here please? Thanks

  7. Hi Folks,


    Just a small update. 


    • A new Drop Strategy has been enabled. It will allow for a group to be 'rolled' as many times as our (x8) drop rate multiplies it. This will allow players to get items locked behind groups a bit quicker.
    • New Museum categories have been added and winners will get their statues spawned in New Dwarven Palace (our main town). In addition, each winner will receive HERO Coins which can be used to but items such Enchant Backup Stones etc.
    • Enchant backup Stones have been removed from PrimeStore. Now will only be available for the in-game currency.
    • Added 3 new Skills which will require 1H Sword / 1H Blunt or 2H Blunt to activate. All three will provide Mystics with more powers. In MultiSkills those are the guys who usually need some love so that's what I'm doing.
    • Summon Kills will now count towards 'kill X amount of monsters' type of achievements... daaaa!
    • Increased drop chance of the Forgotten Scroll - Create lvl.10

    All of the above is just a portion of the last night's update, follow the below link to learn more. I add and improve things every week.




    Dwarven Manufacture may be small but we, as a community, do like to get things done the right way... our way that is!



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