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About *|Archerou|*

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  1. nice photoshop right? or mspaint xD
  2. xa what happened then killer? :D
  3. agaphte mr aristeidhes aka killer esi oiu iste teh imb@ mipos mporite na pou pite ti antivirus xrhsimopoihte (an xrisimpopoihte :D) ;D
  4. http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/race_kamael.html ~~>check this *out* for photos,skills and classes ;)
  5. hmmm tallum set without dyes ! it *rulez*.
  6. ti taxitita exi re? to *internet* ennow :P
  7. yep tell us what u exactley *mean* :-\
  8. wtf is that let me check this holly shit :D EDIT:xaxax nice :)
  9. emo sux. etc apla ine teliws mlkies re protimw to *gothick style*
  10. google ftw^^ search ;)
  11. nice have u any site to d/l it? :P
  12. loipon.... prepi na exis mia apella panw sou kai mia *dread armor* kai pas kai vriskis enan sto prwto trade tou dixnis tin *dread* kai meta patas cancel tou sles "soz" 3ana trade vazis tin apella kai toy les asap pta ok gt prepi na figw etc ena filos evgale dread robe ;)
  13. nai re poli kalo security alla iparxi ena bug (oxi akrivws bug) 8a sas to pw se kana 10lepto :) paw na faw twra ;)
  14. ma gt na kanis c4 server? gia c5/interlude iparxoun poli kala topics kai mporw na se voi8isw kai gw alla gia c4 dn exw tpt na se dixw :S
  15. fona3e kamia 20 pedia na crashari teliws o server :P kai sto kate katw re mlka gt 8es na katastrepsis tin doulia tou allo? omfg re 10xrone :\
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