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About Fallennr

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    Holy See Vatican City

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. AS topic said, i trade my female sws 77 50% + scrolls for your male dark avenger 70+ pm for details
  2. Hello, WTS Spellhowler lvl 50 - 60% CDL + SILENCE learned Set Karmian - Set jewel top c +3 - Demon Staff +3 WIT+12 7kk on inventory + items 25 days good name pm for offer
  3. WTB SORCERER - SPELLHOWLER +12wit - NAKED 40 lvl is better but i can accept good offers for 44lvl to delevel ....contact me in private for skype info, paypal only
  4. Server fail, ghost everywhere, gm spawned some shop with fake items, dont loose time with them, maxcheaters shuld not allow theese ppl to write on theyr forum, maxcheaters loose dignity
  5. Hello i would like to sell my char on l2cartel - CHEAP PRICE check the info HellKnight items: -Vesper Hvy set / Foundation / +6 / lvl7 / Breastplate PVP -Vesper Cutter +6 / Thunder / Focus / Agument (PVP patk passive and crit +14.3) / Dark 300 -Vesper Cutter +6 / Health / Agument (Heal) / Dark 300 -Vesper Thrower +7 / Focus / Agument (Chanche Bleed and crit +22.7) / Holy 300 -OLF +6 -Frintezza / 2 earring vorpal +4 / 2 dynasty ring +6 -10 bilions in inventory -50 GCM or 100 FA to spend as you wish Skills +16 Subskill: barrier, chanche haste, Spirit. 9.6k fame Noblesse can add: set moirai hvy clean + vesper fighter focus +4 165 fire set vesper hvy clean If interested or for more info send pm
  6. up, for example i can see my item sin inventory on the walker panel, but cant see my skills
  7. up, i made it work l2walker ig 1.55 but works the map, the item on ground, the player scouting only... how can i make work also the farming zone of the bot? skill list and auto target dosent work what could be the problem?
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