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About AnnaMaria32

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  1. heres my build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/VLMGMp feel free to suggesting something better, i wanna hear your thoughts on this budget 330$ gaming build
  2. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 yaaaayyy i did itt :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 +Thanks for the tips mememaster :)
  3. C6 Interlude, Im using this file edit http://postimg.org/image/e1v2xpx7p/which if i go to version it says 2a. and what do you mean if i touched any spacing? i didnt, i took those lines from the interweebz and just tried copy pasting them. heres the file edit error http://postimg.org/image/gxra9qo1z/ (<- copy paste this) which roughly translates to "Could not create file dec-itemname-e.dat"
  4. Everytime im about to add custom items i always hope that file edit wont show any errors on Itemname and Weapon&Armorgrp Why does this happen? i even tried to take an existing line, change one number from its id for exampe if it is 2042 i make it 2043 add a different name and boom error. Always with itemname! What the hell! If you wanna see the itemname-e.dat im trying to add, heres a pastebin link http://pastebin.com/euhkzMuN maybe you could spot an error or two. Thank you! (Also, i dont know if this works but, if you were to give me a weapon line and i was to change the id and the name, would it be the same?)
  5. I must of messed the textures or systextures i dont know, but what i want basically is to change this to the original Interlude one, not this stupid kamael logo :okey:
  6. Oh, awesome i didnt know that, thanks :3 Also im using hellas, not archid (no idea if the two have a connection.) i guess ill look at the xml's too and see if i can figure it out, if anybody knows more about this then please let me know :)
  7. Hello! so as title says, the first one is about my mana potions, everytime i use them it also says "you used pollen" (see picture) Is this a problem that has to do with my pack (l2jhellas) or could it be the custom systemmsg that im using? Next, i was about to add some armors until i got to the step of adding the sets together in custom_armorset, turns out i dont have that sql in my database! again, could this be my pack's problem or is there an alternative way. thanks :poker face:
  8. i see. im glad that worked for you, i gave up on that project and started working on an other one though, maybe someone else can help his self by reading this, thanks to anyone who replied. you may lock this.
  9. Guys! Sorry for not using the bump button but can someone help me? i still havent figured out my problem and i really wanna start working on my server!
  10. it did solve the problem in the picture yes, the build was 100% clean from the start with new eclipse and everything, encountered zero errors until i link the gameserver/config/datapack directory with (C:\workspace\L2jFrozen_DataPack) then when i run the gameserver.bat i get that error again (the one on the first post) i dont know what im doing wronggg ://
  11. awesome post! thank you for this!
  12. Guys is this a serious problem? -> http://postimg.org/image/v7khi0rjh/ should i ignore it?
  13. Try to reload multisell from the admin panel, also make sure the html(gmshop) is connected with the correct multisell xml's. Also try checking if the id's are correct too? sorry im a newbie with this my self, i never tried h5
  14. your best bet is to ask the guy who uploaded it for the files again or if you're lucky enough someone from here might have them and upload them for you :3
  15. ill try everything again from the start and keep it as clean as possible and ill let you know, thanks
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