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About Axshizzle

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello there, a few years ago I used to have in my possession a program called AutoSoulshotX.exe. It was plain simple, all it did was to loop press 2 function key binds (from F1 up to F12). Is out there someone that still has this .exe or any working link to download it since the old one doesn't exist anymore? Thanks in advance!
  2. does cracked adrenaline works on l2 redmoon? ('cuz i refuse to believe that 90% of srvr paid for it)
  3. u cant inject PE into srvr without the proper .dll(s) though i made it run with cmd thnx to szakalaka :)
  4. any captcha script for l2stars? or any hint to create my own captcha? http://prntscr.com/8zwo6t
  5. well.. any idea on which threads to kill? :D http://prntscr.com/8z3y7p
  6. any clue/hint on how to view threads on cmd prompt?
  7. idk why, but the files i downloaded are damaged, and instead of a code i get symbols. anyone can re-upload?
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