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Everything posted by Evilforce

  1. I'm playing rpg and I change servers easy..so my records are lower that 1k.. But I had been playing in old L2ownage for 3 weeks and I had about 2k PvP.. I had many in echokinetics faction server but cant remember the number..
  2. Amazing share..I was looking for something like this..
  3. It sounds good.I'll give a try too.Good luck with the project guys.
  4. Στο Administration Panel θα πας στην ενότητα Users & Groups και μετά Rank Administration. Θα κάνεις Create new rank και θα φτοιάξεις όσα θές. Στο Minimum Posts θα βάλεις τα post που θα πρέπει να έχει ο χρήστης να πάρει αυτό το rank. Και στο Rank Image URL θα βάλεις τη διεύθυνση που οδηγεί στην εικόνα που θές να έχει.. Μπορείς να βρείς ότι εικόνα θές (αστεράκι κτλ) στο google και μετά κάνοντας δεξί κλίκ στην εικόνα και πηγαίνοντας Ιδιότητες θα βλέπεις τη διεύθυνση που οδηγεί σε αυτήν.. Μην ξεχνάς στα rank των χρηστών να μην βάζεις Special Rank. Αυτα :D
  5. If I install it and then copy/paste client to another directory,will it works?Like l2?
  6. We can't see images..Could you update them? BTW it sounds greaaaaat!
  7. I have a new machine with high definiton lcd screen and win7 and l2 works great..like most of games..
  8. In the following days, a new patch will be released and any 3rd party program will be automatically blocked. Officialy announced.
  9. There isn't any donation anyway...
  10. Look..that is the message..
  11. When you confirm account creation,the only thing that happens is a small message that appear above and says that confirmation completed..
  12. Αν μπορείς να βάλεις Win7 Ultimate,είναι gg η επιλογή..
  13. Με τα ίδια λεφτά πέρνεις κορυφαίο AMD μηχάνημα με άπαιχτα parts και πολυ δυνατό στα games.. Ψάξτο λίγο..εγώ το παράγγειλα ήδη απο e-shop..
  14. L2 Azrama is a new low rate server,powered by one of the biggest companies with internet-gaming stations in Greece.. Server is live from 12/12/09. Server rates: x7 Botting: allowed Client limitation: 2 clients per IP Address for home pc. Server webpage: http://azrama.com/
  15. I didn't know about MxH..I'll check it anyway.. There are some users that spend hours in forum on share helpfull things or help other members that looking or have trouble with something..and it's easy to find who they are..I think that this is the best way to choose some good G.mods.. I don't have someone to promote..this is just my opinion..
  16. Interlude is old enough but a x10 L2off with one stuck sub like DN would be perfect! And helpful admin team..not like most Greek servers..
  17. Haha cool..I was looking for something like that.Thanks.
  18. "Thank you" button would be more intresting..anyone who think that the post is usefull can use it.. If you make usefull posts then you will gain many thanks..if not,you wont.. Easy and interesting way..
  19. Πολύ καλό φίλε..και εγώ λάτρης είμαι..όχι της trance αλλά της ΑΕΚ..!
  20. Good work MxC staff..I like that system too.. Its being a long time since i logged here last time..no time to spend after I joined army..but I'll be back.. And new things is something that I want to explore one day.. So go on!Keep up the good work..
  21. Join L2 Ownage..I'm sure you will like it. Gracia Client Over 1500 players.. www.l2ownage.com
  22. Topic owner has already found a hoster/project member.. You made this topic full of flame and fights..its the only thing that you can do? Who is trying to help and make better the situation?Almost noone.. Gradz..game over guys.. Locked.
  23. The first one that K4rMaArr0ws posted is very usefull..I was looking for it too.. It would be a good idea to be sticky.. Problem solved as mentioned so.. LOCKED
  24. Thanks bro..I was looking for this..Πρώτο guide και ευκατανόητο..
  25. When its going to be live?Will you edit the first post,so we will find it easily?
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