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Everything posted by mysticg

  1. btw which one of those walkers is for c3 and which one is the verifier for it?
  2. i want ot try it on a server cause it has c3 mobs and its interlude and want to try the c2 c3 c4 walkers on this server if they work ^^ the interlude walker doesnt work
  3. tnx bro :*
  4. well hello i used search but i could find only c5 and c4 bake ice walkers i need the non bake ice c2c3c4 ig walkers that work
  5. hi can some1 give me links with all c2 c3 c4 c5 working walkers?
  6. dont work on l2zues
  7. aston gia ligo ektos party kai meta vaze ton dokimastika sto party na dis an tha kani rixne pou kai pou kana restart sto pc kai tha ftiaksi ama ftiaksi meta ise ok dn ksanaxalaei pote :P
  8. file to pathena kai egw afto simveni epidi to walker einai crackarismeno dokimase na valis oti evales kai prin alla na vgalis ton healer apo to party kai tha kani amesos heal kai recharge :P afti tin malakia m ekane kai emena sinexia kapia stigmi emena ksekolise kai ekane kanonika heal twra dn kserw pio akrivos einai to provlima :s
  9. vasika to enchant succes rate einai kapou sta 65% alla twra pos douleui afto ??? uparxi tropos na katalavoume pote na kanoume to enchant kai pote na min to kanoume gt tha kani fail ?
  10. what u mean ""Test" and Nothing alse Because some russian txts includes in to this pack..." ???
  11. tnx bro ill try it in zues and see if it works :D
  12. thats a kamael server pack???
  13. so there is a bot for zues?? and where we can find one that works cause ive tryed lots of bots and dont work :S HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz
  14. as we see in this section everyone posts about ways he founds to use bot in some servers and lots of people asking about bots and search in all the posts about a bot for their server soooo why dont the moderators here create a group that will have the names of servers and working bots for them ??? dont know how hard this will be but i think its a good idea. tnx:)
  15. wasnt suppose paladin to be anti-dark attack tank ?:S
  16. if i could vote 2 chars i would go for Shilien knight and abyss walker simply the best :)
  17. damn :s it started hitting for the first monster and then stoped the combat :( do u know why this happens and tell me how to fix it plz?
  18. hi when i try to start the l2w_vse it says me cannot initialize socket :S what am i doing wrong or what should i do ? :S
  19. hi i downloaded the dualbox tool from the link u gave us and need some info about how this thing works i play on interlude server
  20. not a spamer just begging :P
  21. no gameguard?? lol wont it crash in the log in screen?
  22. aaaaaaaa i need it but no so many posts :(
  23. torrents for life
  24. what can u achieve by killing the GG?
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