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About jaja1

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hello, looking for server developer with Java code knowledge. Payment: Paypal,transferwise or revolut. Immediately job awaiting: list Purge ranking bug Magic Lamp bug Achievement Box bug
  2. jaja1

    classic L2Xena

    Hi, Added links. Thank you LoVe+ Regarding the rates, You have to try the server to see the point. Ale I've mentioned that, with the buffs/items You can increase the drop rate/Xp with items in game. And Thank you Zeus. Thank you protoftw
  3. jaja1

    classic L2Xena

    Welcome to L2Xena server advertising About Our Server L2xena project started 2022 Jan with positive thought making a great custom server with features Lineage II missing. We have made lots of improvements in gameplay. Players will have access to unique items upgrade crafting system. About System Our server running on Germany hosting provider with powerful engine which can take up to 3000 players. Server pack is well optimized = Lags free in EU. US and Asia might experience a little delay or lag. Server Protection We've spent a lot of money and time on this project so server protection and safe game play for our players is on Highest priority. We have 12 Months contract with AA Protection with full support included. What we Offer & Future Plans We offer to our players server stability, amazing gameplay, friendly environment, excellent support. We know, more players = more fun so our plans is to have best server advertisement on the best L2 advertising sites. Our advertising strategy will bring lots of new players to L2Xena server. Server/Game Settings Rates: EXP x1, SP x1, Spoil x1, Drop x1, Adena x1 (Xp/Adena rate can increase scrolls, Sayhas up to 1200%) all these items can be obtained in game. All chars will get a starter reward box restricted by lvl. Server has easy auto farm system which can be activated in open world but not in Dungeons. Dualbox - 10 Windows allowed per one PC. This will changed to Max 3 Windows On Live Start Buffs time is 300 minutes. A new item upgrade system that increases the stats of your character. New collection system with Boss Hunting cards. PvP Events New Hp,Mp and buff potions which need to be crafted from material. Max Enchant +25. Smart Auction House. 80% Skills are auto learn. Shop up to C-Grade gear. The rest need to be crafted with Special craft blacksmith. Auto loot. Unlimited weight limit. Inventory has 200 cells Daily Missions:, Clan, System, Upgrade for rare rewards Clan Shop Castle Sieges every 2 weeks Purge, Special Hunting Zones Ranking System Attendance Rewards Ranking System Achievement Box Reward Magic Lamp Random Crafting Premium Accounts Donate Shop Beauty Items Only without stats Fast Equipment Enchant System Website Link L2XENA | L2XENA Facebook L2Xena | Facebook Discord https://discord.gg/CBn2Qbc2yK
  4. Hello all, Looking for a developer who would be able working on my new project. Only experienced can apply for this paid job. There will be no direct access to my sources. You will work though teamviewer or anydesk. Interested can contact me here or through skype: Waleess. Kind regards, Wales
  5. Hello all, I am new customer to L2-scripts. I just would like to say that, I am happy with the work they doing. Their developers are active on fixing and updating sources almost every day. Professional and straight to the point if you are polite and have money. Regards, your customer
  6. Hello, still looking for trusted person who would like work on my server.
  7. Hello, As you know I am looking for someone who will take care about the whole already running server. The person have to have good skills in administration and good server running knowledge. Here is the website of L2INSOLENCE server: http://www.l2insolence.com/ Skype Contact: Waleess E-mail: l2insolence@gmail.com Thank you for reading Kind regards, Wales
  8. Hello, New server custom L2-insolence was open. We would like invite all players who like custom items in Lineage 2. You can find so many ways how to increase your power to became the strongest player on our server. We do a regular 7/14 days updates. You will no get bored on our server, because you will find out that, there is so many thing to do. We have Boss Challenge, Elites Challenge, Plenty of farm zones, 20 regulars events, PvP 1vs1 /2vs2 / 5vs5 / 10vs10 or even 20vs20. Economy & trading is excellent! Here is a few information about server setting SERVER RUN ON HIGH FIVE CLIENT General Rates EXP: x1000 SP: x 1000 Adena: x1 Drop: x1 Spoil: x1 Weight Limit: Unlimited ​ Enchant Rates Safe enchant: 50 Max enchant: 1000 Normal Scroll: 85% Blessed Scroll: 100% Elemental Max.Lvl: 7 Elemental chance: 100% ​ Other Buffs: 4Hours Buffs 50 slots Max Subclass: 7 Max Clients per PC: 3 Dance/Songs 25 slots ​ Events TvT,DM,Zombies,Domination,CTF,TvT Advanced,Treasure Hunt, Hunting Grounds, Mass Domination, Mutant, Last man stranding and much more Visit us on: http://www.l2insolence.com/ or Facebook
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