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About Ukognos

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  1. WTS 450kk adena 0.13 eu / kk SOLD
  2. Thanks for all the kind help :)
  3. I'd like to buy an account panel for my l2 off Advext server. Minimum requirements: -Working modul for l2 off advext -Integrated paypal function Contact me in pm or skype: madn3zztera@gmail.com.
  4. WTS the following items on Dragon-Network Balder x7 Server Baium-25 eur AQ-15 eur (Discount: AQ+Baium=35 eur) Zaken-25 eur Frintezza-25 eur Orfen- 5 eur Full set(AQ+Baium+Zaken+Orfen+Frintezza=75 eur) DB, AM, HD, AS, FB (+ SA)-5 eur (+5 eur) Drac Bow+8- 20 eur AM+7 - 30 eur Donate Coins 3 eur / 100 pcs Adena 5 eur / 200kk IC/Drac Set 10 eur Write me private message if you are interested.
  5. Lol what are you talking about? I am online since start and no europian server had higher population in the past few years. Other thing npc buff till 61? Man it's newbie buff... True it's a higher chronicle feature, but still what does it contain? low lvl buffs except for blessed body...
  6. Very good geodata and GM activity on Beta! Also nice to see a decent online on test server, and some players in game and on forum who's actually have some name amongst Interlude low rate players :) I wish you'd start today, I can't wait! :)
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