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Everything posted by Stealth

  1. Ok I will need your help for sure. I will pm you when the main interface is done.
  2. True , you only have two equations and three unknown parameters.
  3. I haven't exactly understood whats your problem. You want to find x? or where x belongs to?
  4. Homepage | Documentation | Bug tracker | License | Downloads Features - L2J Commander Start,stop and restart quickly both gameserver and loginserver as processes (hidden,maximized,minimized) Status display of gameserver and loginserver (online/offline). Run server as hidden application and do not show any open windows. Access quickly and easy all the servers properties and make changes fast. Access the server's log quickly. Manage basic database stuff (character rename , add/remove bans and other stuff) Display general information about network,time zone and other usefull stuff. Autodetect network settings and write them to servers settings files. Suggest best network settings for the number of players. Manage the server announcements.(requires server restart) Ability to edit jail in/jail out messages.(requires server restart) Ability to edit multisells (in next versions). Ability to edit stats (in next versions). Please vote so I can make my decision to start developing this project or not. Thank you. Early alpha preview:
  5. OMG Thanks SO MUCH FOR THE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally utilized what I had in mind for sooooooooooooooooo long. Here's the code: Private Sub Expire(ByVal expire_day As Integer, ByVal expire_month As Integer, ByVal expire_year As Integer) Dim expire_date As Date = New Date(expire_year, expire_month, expire_day) If Today.Date = expire_date Or Today.Date > expire_date Then MsgBox("Oh shit your software has expired!") Else MsgBox("Ok you can go on!") End If End Sub After the first msgbox you can add code like this Me.close and the form will play the message "Oh shit your software has expired!" and then quit. Thats all from me.
  6. Actually if you tell me what you wanna do I can help you. But I don't get it , you want to remove the vb program or the bat file? In the code above the bat file removes itself, but if done a lot of times causes the system to melt. (you know like those trojans sometimes do)
  7. First post updated new version is out finally!
  8. Well then there was a problem. Anyway a new version will be released soon so I recommend to wait for that version. It will be a lot better.
  9. Its works fine on me. Did you check your email AFTER 10 minutes?
  10. New version preview on the L2 Optimizer development forums.
  11. Yeap like 00's. I made one of these last year, not so big deal if you can handle binary stuff on vb.
  12. Stealth


    Το να σπουδάσεις προγραμματισμό δεν έχει καμία σχέση με το hacking.Και το να φτιάξεις ένα τέτοιο πρόγραμμα (keylogger) είναι πανεύκολο σε Visual Basic.Αρκεί να ξέρεις που να ψάξεις... Και μην υποτιμάς την Visual Basic και τις δυνατοτητές της...Σε μια συγκεκριμένη σελίδα (δεν αναφέρω όνομα για λόγους διαφήμισης) το 80% των cracker χρησιμοποιούν Visual Basic και γενικά γλώσσες που βασίζονται στο .NET Framework
  13. New version is out. Click here or here. Also searching for graphic developers and assistants.
  14. Yes I plan to do that. But it will be for sure that processes wont be hardcoded.
  15. Really cool project. One of the few good stuff I have seen here.
  16. Maybe it needs some component that is not there.Make sure you have Mysql.Data.dll in the same directory.
  17. If you want the source pm or just tell me the processes to add.
  18. 1) Whats your sex? A. Male 2) Whats your age? A. 12-18 3) Do you have any personal computers in your home? How many? B. 1 4) How many hours you stay on your personal computer? A. 1-2 Hour(s) 5) How many years do you use a personal computer? B. 3-4 Years 6) What you mostly do on your personal computer? D. I just like using my personal computer 7) Do you want to be a professional? B. No Cool Do you have internet at your home? How many mbps? F. 24mbps 9) What you like most? A. Internet (an to B itan Walking with a girlfriend tote B) 10) Did you buy your personal computer or you did build him by yourself? A. I bought it 11) What operation system do you use? A. Windows 12) What main processor do you use? A. Intel 13) What Graphic card do you use? A. NVidia 14) How many inches is your desktop? A. 14-17 15) Do you use Chat machines, such as facebook, skype, msn? A. Yes Thank you. - No prob.
  19. Φίλε άστο το έχασες το παιχνίδι. Και από που και ως που είμαστε αντίπαλοι με τους Γερμανούς? επειδή δηλαδή τα ΜΜΕ γουστάρουν να υπάρχουν εντάσεις... Ο NotAbastard έχει την άποψή του, και δικαίως μπορεί να υποστηρίζει ότι θέλει χωρίς αυτό να σημαίνει ότι τίθεται με τους μεν ή τους δε.
  20. It needs some fixes for now. I will release a whole new bunch of features in the new version.
  21. Yes that the main reason I made this.
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