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  1. also scripts for making freya/tezza alone only with bots +2 more healer for instance/raids with quest items .. No items
  2. As title says.. Price is 100 euro not too overrated not to low. Healer +6 vorpal jewels and armour and sigil shirt +10 olf skills +30 Mage- +30 skills and full vesper found rising star +7 titan feather eye +7 full element moirai found set. + full 3 bot mages with scripts equiped in vesper weapon +4 full element with SA + 6 titans for instances/raids all quests made and sub classes. medium gear moirai/vesper vesper redistrubuter full element no SA vesper jewels +2 sk and 1 judi bot vesper normal equiped vesper jewels etc Pm here or on skype: eustafieivi.bogdan
  3. kenren stop adv shits
  4. I AGREE
  5. ty for info
  6. bump
  7. bump
  8. it will die again 1 month ?:))
  9. something definelly new.. dont let haters take you down.. is something new.. gl from me
  10. this pack is total shit, i don't recommand you to buy it! my friend once purchased this 4-5 months ago and it was much worse than l2j... and man... nothing is worse than l2j :\
  11. definally 1600 ppl are handless emo ragers.. just like most of the comunity of his forum 3h3h3
  12. As my title says... Add me on skype Eustafieivi.bogdan for more informations also i can be driver for any cp
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