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Everything posted by shakazulu

  1. Hello people. I buy support for rules on ovh firewall. Config ofc. Thanks
  2. Hello , and any chance to provent ? Ovh said to me , activate the game firewall and udp tráfic , but this not works for me.
  3. Hello people. I have some problems on my dedicated server on OVH. I'm getting attacks, and I do not know what type they are. More than one here must have safe ovh, and I need if any can give me a help with the configuration of the network firewall and IP-Tables to reduce attacks, since ovh offers defense against DDOS but not against two. I post some picks. and here is the pic of the atack.
  4. I would like to sell my Designing Services, which include High Quality values, resources and professional knowledge gained in several years of using CS5 Photoshop. Payment Method: Paypal - Western Union - Paysafe (NO GREEKS) - Cuentadigital (Argentina) - MercadoPago(Argentina) Covers For FB and promotion: Complete IMG- Server L2Mytles (High Five Chronicle) ------- Complete IMG - Server L2Ravage COMPLETE IMG -Server L2Ravage ------- COMPLETE IMG - Server L2Sludge (Epilogue Server) COMPLETE IMG - Server Sludge Open --------- Epic Boss Promotion for open Server LOGOS
  5. WTB rebirth system for l2f. Paypal method
  6. I want to buy l2ro/fandc source code whit forum integrated on community board !
  7. Account Manager For Fandc Paypal Send private msj
  8. I request if is shared, account manager for fandc files.
  10. Any post one account manager free ? or they believe , is the best account manager free of maxcheaters , with 100 % certainty
  11. around 2008 in l2 actis , there was a fake party system . It works like this : A party of players who used fake Skills as agression , heal , and other debuff . anyone knows about this mod ?
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