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Everything posted by CataPiciu

  1. Do you have a christmas tree for share? I can't find one, all topics have dead links. Thnx!
  2. Fast services and a great person. I recommend with pleasure!!!
  3. hi, how did you solved the problem with nonpcname? Because i encountered the same problem
  4. Why would i pay 3 weeks for a 10 seconds ip change? Your messages show clearly you are foame in gat for 10 pounds. You a toxic uneducated person. Yes you are desperate for 10 pounds people can see in screens how desperate you were to keep money your sht site stole. Your payment system is trash and rotten like your character. You have the audacity to say you did not insult me? Who is the thief here? You still kept 3rd payment and the money spent on your pack, so that makes you a thief. You are a thief and the insults that you adressed me then delete them describes you perfectly. I hope people will see this topic to understand how low you are as a person. I hope money from me brought some joy, maybe you have a rough life there and thats why you developed this kind of behaviour. I feel pitty for you.
  5. Yes, i thought were meaning why i wrote to damon facebook page, show entire chat not what suits you. Few rows down i told you i did contacted my bank, if you had any problem from me because i did that is strictly your fault, i came to you first to solve this and you refused, there are screens in link. From the 1st moment i asked money back you refused so don't take with you are tired of this "kinda people". Taking my money back means taking all money invested in your pack, of course because you are a thief you took my money and the banned me because you were desperate for 10 pounds. Show all chat, show how you blackmailed me you wont open my server if i don't take back the contestation. I came to you asap when i saw the transactions from your crappy site, and for the 1st time you had no intention to give back my money. Yes the money disappeared from the reserved transaction and i did not said anything to you because i had people playing and i knew you would use ip binding to blackmail me for 10 pounds, which you did. Any normal person would ask the bank about money disappearing from thei accounts. You acted like a kid and insulted me, who is g person here, who took money and provided no service? I still paid money for server pack and 1 change i asked you. People must know what kind of person are you. I hope nobody will have any affair with a person like you, you asked me for money for features in game that were already there when i asked you, but I said nothing, i let it like this. You are uneducated and desperate to scam people with your crappy payment system. We have a say in my country, esti foame in gat.
  6. I bought from l2jorion a server pack with ip binding in November, in December i started the server for me and some friends. Because my internet provider did some changes 1 week ago i need it to edit on my forum account to l2jorion the new IP. To do that you need to pay a subscription, I choose the cheapest 7 days real membership. I tried 2 times from pc to make the payment and their website gave me errors with payment fail. I did not receive any notification from my bank for any transaction so i tried from mobile to pay real membership and 3rd time it worked. The second day in the morning i noticed some money missing from my card and when i checked the transaction i saw i was charged 2 times from pc and 1 time from my mobile. The 1st thing I did was to contact vilmis on the forum and Discord about the problem and to kindly return my money. 1st he said he canceled 2 subscribtions, then when i asked when i will receive the money he said I will have at other times free membership. I just wanted the money back and he refused to refund me, meanwhile, i contacted my bank since it was error and duplicate transactions I contested these transactions. After a few days I got a message from him insulting me as to why i contested transactions, my money is lost anyway i don't know if he received them or not, I don't see the money in blocked transactions anymore. He banned me on the forum and blocked my server from working because his trash website does not work properly. You get charged even when it says payment fail. He got money from me for the server pack, for a change in server pack, for real member 3 times and banned me, because like normal person i told my bank i did not received notification for 2 out 3 transactions and tried to get my money back. He lied he canceled 2 subscriptions, i have a screen i was on 3 weeks real member still. He is simply greedy and rude and did not want in any moment to solve the situation, he insulted me then he deleted the message like a coward but i managed to screenshot his message. I even tried to offer him more money to unblock my server but he refused payment from Revolut, he wants me to cancel my contestation but i will not to that because of the way he treated me from the beginning. I tried to solve this peacefully but he refused because he was greedy and got thrills for 10 pounds. If you ever think of buying his project be aware he will blackmail you for money to unblock the server. You have no control over that pack. He got paid and the banned me. You can see how he is treating his customer in screens in link Check here his responses: https://imgur.com/a/fyRaLZR
  7. Can someone please share a custom Christmas tree for Interlude. All links from old topics are dead. Thank you!
  8. Hello, Im trying to add to pet Baby Kookaburra Gift Of Queen buff button in action window but is not working, I edited in data base npcskills the npc id and skill id for it. In client i added this line, dont know if is correct 1 1008 -1 5 1 12781 a,Gift of Queen\0 a,icon.action108\0 a,Temporarily increases your party's P. Atk and accuracy.\0 skill7002 Thank you in advance,
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