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About studboy

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  1. Well, this is not really an exploit ...but very helpful if u have a spoiler, or make one. You need a lvl 6x spoiler, and u must bot around in frozen labrynith, in the region with Pronghorn Spirit's... These mobs have good drops and also let you spoil a good amount of varnish per mob, along with a almost 2% chance 2 spoil a scroll Enchant Armor B... If u bot in this region for a long time, u will probably stack up a LOT of EAB's ... Then what u gotta do is simple ...craft black ore ring's, which are very easy to craft, & try to over enchant them. +10 is good but u can try to enchant further, these rings can be traded for valuable items or also be a replacement for S jewels. A ring of black ore+10 is a lot more powerful then a Tateossian ring +4, which most 76+ players prefer to wear. This trick is useful in private server's with high rates like 5x, I havn't tried it on a low rate server. Also, a lot of ppl have a 6x spoiler. Good Luck :D
  2. hi, I 'm kinda new around here ...& ofcourse I play l2 I found this site very useful but the problem is I need 200+ posts for almost every post I wanna check >_>
  3. I wanna read this share ! >_>
  4. is there a version for CT1 Kamael?
  5. I guess no, use OOG for private, I use it -.-
  6. This is what my hosts file looks like right now : localhost L2authd.lineage2.com And this is my batch file: tcptunnel --local-port=2106 --remote-host= --remote-port=2106 --stay-alive This is my set.ini : [PATH] L2_PATH=D:\Program Files\Lineage II - PTS_PTS\system\l2.exe LoginServerIP= L2authd.Lineage2.com Download/Extract eL2Walker1.92 Check Microsoft Loopback Adapter Check Loopback Properties Check Extract TCP Tunnel to L2w directory Check Create .bat file Check Now when I try to log in ..I get the errror saying "Password you have entered is incorrect, please recheck ..." Before the update I used to use the older version of l2w for interlude where I only had to add something to the original hosts file and it worked fine ... Also I run the game using the l2.exe in the system folder. Thx EDIT *Ran out of almost all patience and is about to blast*
  7. btw thx nemecis ...great work for the society if it works for me :P
  8. mmm I rechecked everything ...I haven't made a mistake ...The only issue is that the server that I play on requires me to modify the hosts file and add 2 extra lines which is the server address. Without them the client wont identify the server, so is there some way to fix this? ...I got exams going so I wanna set up the bot and study XD ...Hope someone can help me, also the server has a custom patch (www.thesource.it) ... This is what my host file looks like : # -------------------------------------------------- # The Source Shard L2authd.lineage2.com # The source# l2testauthd.lineage2.com # The source# #-------------------------------------------------------- localhost L2authd.Lineage2.com #---------------------------------------------------------
  9. I don't know why... I can run the walker in game and everything is normal...But when I click start auto fun/start combact nothing happens ...Please help !
  10. Credit Card Directly? ...Is it the same link? ...When I complete the registration ...and the last page that I get says "Page Not Found" instead of somethin' like "Registration Successful" ...and then I repeat the whole process ...it's some kind of bug that happens with a lot of ppl
  11. Yeah I love this share ! :D
  12. yes it's kinda cool.
  13. I want to become a Life Time Donator member... But I cannot use paypal 'cus the site doesn't work for india...I don't know why I can't sign up on their site ...So is there any other payment alternative? ...Can I pay directly from my credit card?
  14. 1 more post to me 8)
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