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About Twostepsaway

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  1. Dev,i see you keep demoting every my post :P ! But what about our bet that you lost already? :-)
  2. Thank you!
  3. Btw, just confused about your indendity for Komplex,that's why i went low kick to your head,you can even keep your spam i like it. You should log and check with your eyes,i mean you can even say that i suck cocks,that's not the problem,point is you just selftrolling your self w/o any reason. Ain't my fault if your shit is even worst considered than a copy-shit-with-purple-buttons server. P.s. You and xxdem pretend to know me,but literally and sincerally i got 0 idea about who the fuck are you both. P.s.s2 . It's a damn recap of the event. Won't waste my time to make 1 hour video. Cya,next.
  4. L2Crabbed 7v7 Event l2crabbed.com
  5. Server is online,you need a gracia final client. Here you can fin the last updated folder ready to play https://mega.nz/#!nZU1zSxR!WD0pOPfCAAv3slUFXc47gYCgA46c74k_4OOUuFzGWXM
  6. Check L2Crabbed TvT Event https://youtu.be/g4k4h7cPPns Server is online: Download here the patch : https://mega.nz/#!V7AR0SxY!Pq4j8glfmJJrIKyWLQ9hB8B4GbW6nlGoRBVzG4JkS1M Full system ready to play: https://mega.nz/#!R3ZgwLRY!vciI0lfmu2BEK2Xg0Dli4PbSfrA006lZ37i1TkBsJqg Download the updater here: http://www.l2crabbed.com/updater/L2Crabbed Updater.exe
  7. Have fun Georgi,you'll need alot :)
  8. At my home,we got a motto,teach to tards to be at the least productive... that's not your case https://imgur.com/r1yDcpY Well,still better then 11 days and people never comeback :) Love ya Georgi.
  9. Some antivirus detect the updater as a virus,it's something new? Do you even know how an updater works? That's why i am even preparing those: Download here the patch : https://mega.nz/#!V7AR0SxY!Pq4j8glfmJJrIKyWLQ9hB8B4GbW6nlGoRBVzG4JkS1M Full system ready to play; https://mega.nz/#!R3ZgwLRY!vciI0lfmu2BEK2Xg0Dli4PbSfrA006lZ37i1TkBsJqg Check those folder,tell me if you find a virus there.
  10. No clue,what are you trying to say,but since @l2crapped you can just log 2 box,ofc if you are smart you can bypass that,but since 90% of the community dosn't even know how to vote,i am pretty sure they don't even know how an hdwi work. And if they go farm with a more then 1 box they will not get drops. So,there is no even need to log tons of bots,they can put a shop that's nice. You said that we got only 2 bigs clans? I suggest you to check a bit deep in the dettail and better. Forgot to say,those bigs clans that you already mention already got a war. By the way,as i said before,please gather some info,before say something. You lost your bet,that's a fact. You can say w/e you want, i am not excepting something less from you lmao. Missing just Lucy of big clans as far i know. Have fun Clan Rewarded :RevolutionTheCrewOneforAllPrimesHarvastersEmperorsDemonSlayersAlphasRuthmistesMeetyourmakersDemigods
  11. Well,you never know what you find inside a pillar of shit,imagine i've found you as well there :) Atm all of you boyz that self-autoproclame,"pro", are everything but amateurs. Cya,
  12. Wait a minute,just to understand deeply your pov,the people you saying went to a totaly copy/paste server,w/o nothing "new" and you claim. Do you even know what pride community want from a server? Are we still talk about pride community or what? That's why you act like a vergin grill? Because you think i am listening to primezero? You might no understand,but the problems about the things was beside me and Growa,no one else. Now Growa,can't touch anymore the gameplay in any case. Capisc? The main error i did was to listen to every player of the community lol.
  13. Who decide what's enough or not? Who said that i've completely import new ideas? Who said that players want everything new? Who said that i can't keep my gayishing pinky buttons? Do you prefer them green or purple? I don't need no one to fix my graphics,if i wanted to change it i would already change it. About the amount of the players how are you so sure about it? Btw,you said to keep outside the whole imagine of me and yours,but you keep using it o.o What's next question?
  14. PvP engine and Class balance. Not the usally human domination. Some new features and now a normal farmtype. No corruption,no special treatment for no one. Ah,i got 2 eyes to check what's going on since i am not busy to blowup people and Gayshish Pinky buttons. They don't join me,they join w/e they want. Did am i ,ready to candidate my self to the president of Greece? Enough? need something else? P.S. Georgi if you edit all the time your post,it's not my fault if i can't reply correctly to your interview.
  15. I guess after ive pointed it you keep dosn't understand your bet. You said : Btw hayze admin is not scared from you I'm telling you nobody will join you back I bet 100 € from the corrupted donations I received under the table. If I lose you will see them on your PayPal. -You lost that bet already. I didn't fuckup none,if you think that was a replica,who am i to try to explain you it wasn't? It was bad,ok so? I couldn't make an update? There is some law-prodev about it? I just war back hayze,not like mongols like you would do with ddos or shits like that,but with simple and retarded marketing. Your fault if Crabbed fail? Mate are you for real mental retarded? Who the hell do you think you are? How can be your fault for my own fail? Trash server? Dev Fault? Fucking megalonic piece of shit,it's not like everything concern the trash is your property lmao. -Don't be ridicolous,you didn't come here to judge,you went here for another porpuse,w/e it was,i've accepted it till a point,after see you were just trying to triggering me,instead you trigger something else,but you did it not me. -Learn another thing,this my topic,my project,if i want to go offtopic it's my own business. -Logic from you? Do you know how to trigger such of complex mechanims? What's special about Crapped? On my point of view, i usually join servers if i wanna track a feedback of them. -You have to ask that thing towards players,not to me damn ape. P.S. I've tried to reply to your points,but i don't know all the time they looks with a retard logic,since you keep somehow this blah to blah attidude. PPS Trust me nobody is gonna return even with 1000 updates and a total wipe. Wanna know why ? Cuz you are not trustworthy anymore with fake promises and players are not stupid that's why they left your server 1 week after you opened. (your words) -Now they return into a retard community? If crapped failed 2 times,was for my own mistake. PPSSP. The difference between my crap with your crap is : people didn't won't join your server for multiple reason,the mainly one because you were the admin and no one likes you. After i've suggest you to change your image with the colville one,you've opened prelude? How time did that shit survive? 1-2 months? I am sure less but i don't know since i don't care lmao. Point is another: explain me then,since i am still here riding my crapped why are they join back? Since as you claim my server is copy/paste/trash,my java's skill are trash my datapack is even more trash and my gayshing pinky buttons, JESUS! GEORGI! WHY? Why are they join back GEORGI? WHY? Bye georgi. PPPPSP3 i've just mentioned your crap,not because i wanna mud your face,just to give you an example,same shit happend to RonkiBlowjober,why no one mention that he fail attempts to open a good server 7 times before he went to "hayze". Funny fact it was System's idea w/e. PPPSPS4 you've started to mention hayze,on this topic,dunno why me or others couldn't mention your server,since the last attempt of it was this summer,and we were playing on l2 Epic.
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