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Everything posted by stormv

  1. Ok I will check it and let I will let you know! Thanks a lot
  2. I am not really sure If I understood what you said. Yea I can buy from any shop, I meant I am not able to buy from multisell shop through npc. What do you mean bypassed?
  3. Versus you have right the code inside multisellchoose.java is: L2Npc merchant = (player.getTarget() instanceof L2Npc) ? (L2Npc) player.getTarget() : null; if (merchant == null || !merchant.canInteract(player)) return; ListContainer list = MultisellData.getInstance().getList(_listId); if (list == null) return; I removed the line: if (merchant == null || !merchant.canInteract(player)) return; Now I can buy through CB and multisell, but on the other hand IF I want to use any multisell shop through npc in the game I cant because obviously I delete those lines inside the code. So because I dont have so much knowledge from java I dont know how to rebuild this code and do it, to interact both though CB and npc. I dont think changing someting inside xmf files will help. Thanks
  4. I think the bypass is registered because the shop window opens through the CB but I cannot purchase any item.. On the other hand when I use multisell with npc it works.. All those errors in the image that I uploaded. There are the same errors when I use the CB or Npc but in case of npc I can make tha trade. Do I have to change something to MultiSellChoose java?. The code that I posted previous its the only code that I have added on communityboard.java, I havent done anything else for the multisell, I was wondering if its only 3 lines to be working, so ? If you need to uploade my whole code or some images let me know. Thanks The code that I tried to adapt from internet is the next one: I dont understand why they use topbbsmanager inside this code. else if (command.startsWith("_bbsmultisell;")) + { + if(activeChar.isDead() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || TvTEvent.isStarted() || activeChar.isInSiege() || activeChar.isCastingNow() || activeChar.isInCombat() || activeChar.isAttackingNow() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.isInJail() || activeChar.isFlying() || activeChar.getKarma() > 0 || activeChar.isInDuel()){ + activeChar.sendMessage("Â äàííûõ óñëîâèÿõ øîï çàïðåùåí"); + return; + } + StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); + st.nextToken(); + TopBBSManager.getInstance().parsecmd("_bbstop;" + st.nextToken(), activeChar); + int multisell = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); + MultiSell.getInstance().separateAndSend(multisell, activeChar, null, false);
  5. Tryskell thanks a lot for your help! I removed the line you suggest, and when I open the window still I cannot buy, or sometimes times I have fatal error and exit from the game.. This is the link for my error (image): https://postimg.org/image/kvds79i6t/ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); st.nextToken(); MultisellData.getInstance().separateAndSend(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), activeChar, false, 0); so the code should be like that? or should I change something else? because I think with your yellow comments you explain me the commands. Also I have added the network.serverpackets...etc.. into the communityboard java file. Should I put the xmf file somewhere else instead of the default multisell file? Update: Also when I use npc for multisell I get the same error in the console but I purchase the items (if that helps)
  6. Hello guys, I have allmost finished my community board for acis, and later I can share it with you.. I cannot fix only one thing, When I use multisell for CB the window opens but when I try to buy the items, its not possible.. If I do the same through NPC it works. I am not so familiar with java, I started 2 weeks ago to build my CB, the code inside java community board is: else if (command.startsWith("_bbsmultisell;")) { if(activeChar.isDead() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || activeChar.isInSiege() || activeChar.isCastingNow() || activeChar.isInCombat() || activeChar.isAttackingNow() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.isInJail() || activeChar.isFlying() || activeChar.getKarma() > 0 || activeChar.isInDuel()){ activeChar.sendMessage("U cant use shop"); return; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); st.nextToken(); int multisell = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); MultisellData.getInstance().separateAndSend(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), activeChar, false, 0); } I found a similar code on internet and I adapt it like that.. I dont know what should I change or add or maybe import something else.. I appriciate any help, suggestion, code! ( my thought is that the error is in the last line of the code) Thanks
  7. I am trying to adapt this code on acis, its a buffer on community board but I get only one errro in the last line, : package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.cache.HtmCache; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; // Referenced classes of package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager: // BaseBBSManager public class BuffBBSManager extends BaseBBSManager { /* member class not found */ class SingletonHolder {} public BuffBBSManager() { } public void parseCmd(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar) { if(command.startsWith("_bbsbuff") && mayUse(activeChar)) { String val = command.substring(8); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val, "_"); String a = st.nextToken(); int id = Integer.parseInt(a); String b = st.nextToken(); int lvl = Integer.parseInt(b); L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, lvl); if(skill != null) skill.getEffects(activeChar, activeChar); String filename = "data/html/CommunityBoard/Custom/buffer.htm"; String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(filename); separateAndSend(content, activeChar); } } public void parseWrite(String s, String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4, L2PcInstance l2pcinstance) { } public boolean mayUse(L2PcInstance player) { if(player.isInOlympiadMode()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in Olympiad"); return false; } if(player.getKarma() > 0) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while hava karma"); return false; } if(player.isInJail()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in Jail"); return false; } if(player.isDead()) return false; if(player.isInCombat()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in combat"); return false; } else { return true; } } public static BuffBBSManager getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } } the error is here: INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field, I tried but I cannot fix it.. any ideas? thanks
  8. Ok you can lock it, I think I fixed this one, now I have one more question but It needs new topic! Thanks again
  9. I understand what you are saying, but actually this is my problem, there is not html for a buffer on acis, otherwise I could use the same commands, the only html for buffer is connected with java files, and there is not written a bypass command, for instance on acis there are many html files for teleport, I have copied the command and I created my own teleport npc. On the other hand I cannot find any html for buffer (including the bypass command). I dont know if I can search those commands in java files? Can I? thanks
  10. There is a default buffer on acis, but it works through java, so I cant check the commands. I have tried some commands from other interlude servers, but as I posted earlier, they dont work. (at least on acis,). I could use the default buffer, but I want to try create my own one. I know that is silly, but still I cannot understand what I am doing wrong and it is not working!
  11. hello guys, I am trying to do a simple buffer on acis, only with html no java etc. Can someone provide me the right bypass command? I mean for teleport is (<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto ##) but when I replace goto with buff, or skill_id, or for instance: bypass -h npc_%objectId%_npc_buffer_buff 4342 1. they dont work. Aslo NPc should be L2NPC or L2buffer? Thanks
  12. can someone provide me a link to download l2j datapack, serverpack, for interlude or hi5? because I cannot find any. Github is closed, and I cannot download anything from bitbucket. Thanks
  13. hey guys, finally i mamaged to add buttons in the community board. But now i need some explanations, i try to connect the buttons with html files but nothing happens, also i have two hi5 packets, the one from github, inside html community board files has html files (home favourites etc) the other pack inside has htm files not html files (for example index.htm). I use github version, i change the home.html add buttons such as gm shop, buffer, but then when I connect those buttons with html files, with bypass command nothing happens. So can someone tell me what is wrong? what is the difference between html and htm what should i do? do i have to use another bypass command? Thanks
  14. i have the java files, but i cant figure out which files should i edit? can you be more specific? Thanks
  15. sysstring-e.dat is in the system folder.. how can i use that to make a custom community board? i mean under Home, Clan, Fav ( i think i cant change those tabs) i want to add buffer, gm shop, gatekeeper, i am asking how can i do that? in java files?
  16. Hey guys i am trying to make a custom community board. can someone explain me how i put a new button in community board, i mean like (buffer, gm) i know its not only html. Before accuse me that i am lazy, i was trying to find it myself, but i could not understand what should i change in java files.. Also if you can share a code i will be glad, i cant find something. Thanks a lot.
  17. thanks for your help guys propably i will spend some time in java files :)
  18. i dont think that is only a html file, but thanks for your help!
  19. when you open your character to see the stats you can see, evasion, m def, accuracy, etc i just want to add mCritical, in that window, i know how can i modify the stats in xml files
  20. i cant see the guide, xxdem can you explain me how?
  21. yes like mCrit i want to be visible like other stats
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