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  1. Ok I will check it and let I will let you know! Thanks a lot
  2. I am not really sure If I understood what you said. Yea I can buy from any shop, I meant I am not able to buy from multisell shop through npc. What do you mean bypassed?
  3. Versus you have right the code inside multisellchoose.java is: L2Npc merchant = (player.getTarget() instanceof L2Npc) ? (L2Npc) player.getTarget() : null; if (merchant == null || !merchant.canInteract(player)) return; ListContainer list = MultisellData.getInstance().getList(_listId); if (list == null) return; I removed the line: if (merchant == null || !merchant.canInteract(player)) return; Now I can buy through CB and multisell, but on the other hand IF I want to use any multisell shop through npc in the game I cant because obviously I delete those lines inside the code. So because I dont have so much knowledge from java I dont know how to rebuild this code and do it, to interact both though CB and npc. I dont think changing someting inside xmf files will help. Thanks
  4. I think the bypass is registered because the shop window opens through the CB but I cannot purchase any item.. On the other hand when I use multisell with npc it works.. All those errors in the image that I uploaded. There are the same errors when I use the CB or Npc but in case of npc I can make tha trade. Do I have to change something to MultiSellChoose java?. The code that I posted previous its the only code that I have added on communityboard.java, I havent done anything else for the multisell, I was wondering if its only 3 lines to be working, so ? If you need to uploade my whole code or some images let me know. Thanks The code that I tried to adapt from internet is the next one: I dont understand why they use topbbsmanager inside this code. else if (command.startsWith("_bbsmultisell;")) + { + if(activeChar.isDead() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || TvTEvent.isStarted() || activeChar.isInSiege() || activeChar.isCastingNow() || activeChar.isInCombat() || activeChar.isAttackingNow() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.isInJail() || activeChar.isFlying() || activeChar.getKarma() > 0 || activeChar.isInDuel()){ + activeChar.sendMessage("Â äàííûõ óñëîâèÿõ øîï çàïðåùåí"); + return; + } + StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); + st.nextToken(); + TopBBSManager.getInstance().parsecmd("_bbstop;" + st.nextToken(), activeChar); + int multisell = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); + MultiSell.getInstance().separateAndSend(multisell, activeChar, null, false);
  5. Tryskell thanks a lot for your help! I removed the line you suggest, and when I open the window still I cannot buy, or sometimes times I have fatal error and exit from the game.. This is the link for my error (image): https://postimg.org/image/kvds79i6t/ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); st.nextToken(); MultisellData.getInstance().separateAndSend(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), activeChar, false, 0); so the code should be like that? or should I change something else? because I think with your yellow comments you explain me the commands. Also I have added the network.serverpackets...etc.. into the communityboard java file. Should I put the xmf file somewhere else instead of the default multisell file? Update: Also when I use npc for multisell I get the same error in the console but I purchase the items (if that helps)
  6. Hello guys, I have allmost finished my community board for acis, and later I can share it with you.. I cannot fix only one thing, When I use multisell for CB the window opens but when I try to buy the items, its not possible.. If I do the same through NPC it works. I am not so familiar with java, I started 2 weeks ago to build my CB, the code inside java community board is: else if (command.startsWith("_bbsmultisell;")) { if(activeChar.isDead() || activeChar.isAlikeDead() || activeChar.isInSiege() || activeChar.isCastingNow() || activeChar.isInCombat() || activeChar.isAttackingNow() || activeChar.isInOlympiadMode() || activeChar.isInJail() || activeChar.isFlying() || activeChar.getKarma() > 0 || activeChar.isInDuel()){ activeChar.sendMessage("U cant use shop"); return; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, ";"); st.nextToken(); int multisell = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); MultisellData.getInstance().separateAndSend(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), activeChar, false, 0); } I found a similar code on internet and I adapt it like that.. I dont know what should I change or add or maybe import something else.. I appriciate any help, suggestion, code! ( my thought is that the error is in the last line of the code) Thanks
  7. I am trying to adapt this code on acis, its a buffer on community board but I get only one errro in the last line, : package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.cache.HtmCache; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; // Referenced classes of package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.communitybbs.Manager: // BaseBBSManager public class BuffBBSManager extends BaseBBSManager { /* member class not found */ class SingletonHolder {} public BuffBBSManager() { } public void parseCmd(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar) { if(command.startsWith("_bbsbuff") && mayUse(activeChar)) { String val = command.substring(8); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val, "_"); String a = st.nextToken(); int id = Integer.parseInt(a); String b = st.nextToken(); int lvl = Integer.parseInt(b); L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, lvl); if(skill != null) skill.getEffects(activeChar, activeChar); String filename = "data/html/CommunityBoard/Custom/buffer.htm"; String content = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(filename); separateAndSend(content, activeChar); } } public void parseWrite(String s, String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4, L2PcInstance l2pcinstance) { } public boolean mayUse(L2PcInstance player) { if(player.isInOlympiadMode()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in Olympiad"); return false; } if(player.getKarma() > 0) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while hava karma"); return false; } if(player.isInJail()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in Jail"); return false; } if(player.isDead()) return false; if(player.isInCombat()) { player.sendMessage("Cannot use while in combat"); return false; } else { return true; } } public static BuffBBSManager getInstance() { return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE; } } the error is here: INSTANCE cannot be resolved or is not a field, I tried but I cannot fix it.. any ideas? thanks
  8. Ok you can lock it, I think I fixed this one, now I have one more question but It needs new topic! Thanks again
  9. I understand what you are saying, but actually this is my problem, there is not html for a buffer on acis, otherwise I could use the same commands, the only html for buffer is connected with java files, and there is not written a bypass command, for instance on acis there are many html files for teleport, I have copied the command and I created my own teleport npc. On the other hand I cannot find any html for buffer (including the bypass command). I dont know if I can search those commands in java files? Can I? thanks
  10. There is a default buffer on acis, but it works through java, so I cant check the commands. I have tried some commands from other interlude servers, but as I posted earlier, they dont work. (at least on acis,). I could use the default buffer, but I want to try create my own one. I know that is silly, but still I cannot understand what I am doing wrong and it is not working!
  11. hello guys, I am trying to do a simple buffer on acis, only with html no java etc. Can someone provide me the right bypass command? I mean for teleport is (<a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto ##) but when I replace goto with buff, or skill_id, or for instance: bypass -h npc_%objectId%_npc_buffer_buff 4342 1. they dont work. Aslo NPc should be L2NPC or L2buffer? Thanks
  12. can someone provide me a link to download l2j datapack, serverpack, for interlude or hi5? because I cannot find any. Github is closed, and I cannot download anything from bitbucket. Thanks
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