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Everything posted by divi00

  1. Hello, I have question about L2 World server (http://l2world.org/). First i say: i have two computer is home with wifi conection by router. In l2 World is reward system if we vote in L2 hopzone we'will get reward once in 12h. My question is: It is possible to get reward many times in that 12h? I tried change IP and nothing. But when i vote with secound computer it's ok i can take reward. Mby somebody who plays there can help me ;) Sorry for my bad english
  2. LimitedEdition
  3. 1-50x with npc buffer
  4. U can msg me in msn ;)) It wil be easier i can make for u website ;p 700Gb Miejsca = 700 GB free space ;) Btw jakie lacze?
  5. Palladin or Druid the best i love be in party with goos druid ;p
  6. msg me in msn divi0000@windowslice.com
  7. Green Draco Set Cool !!!
  8. Shyeed's bow Focus better ;) more dmg and crt rate...
  9. Th is nice and Gh :) Th coz dash and Gh coz hex etc :P
  10. Very nice ;))
  11. FOG or Varka ;]
  12. Death Ride yup i agree with u Overlord with debuffs is rly hard to kill ;) root, slow, etc and u are dead
  13. i buy for example 10 weapon i try make all +10 if i get some +10 than i try make all +11 and than +12 and next next when i just one weapon left i stop
  14. destro/pal if cross ;p normal sps/ee and sws/sr
  15. divi00

    Top 5 Games

    Gothic 3 WTF? :)
  16. :P i dont understand nothink...
  17. Dragon Network SR/SWS Pvp about 2,5k Pk 0 xD i made quest ^^
  18. Pff When u use frenzy dagger should just run... About 1 min Than frenzy end and u are ded? Coz dagger run faster than u? Dash WTF? suck my dick...
  19. Most of the server has options to donation...
  20. Hello, I have for sale: Sps/Ee + Nobless Th/Da + He/Wl Items: -Dynasty Heavy Set -Dynasty Robe Set -Am+Acu -Db+Focus -Dc Robe Set xD -Baium +4 -Queen Ant +5 -Zaken +3 -Tatteo Set Uns -About 1,5kkk Adena -22 Donator Coin's MSN -> divi0000@windowslive.com I want nice items + account in l2abyss 10x Alpha or 3x Ofc can be $ or Euro xD
  21. Archer are good coz have rly big range ;]
  22. 90% server has option to donat?
  23. Start with frenzy yep... But if orc run so slow just run away 30 s frenzy end than kill orc ;] Orc are slow
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