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About tatae

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  1. hmmm cant see the post need 200 post:))
  2. this bug shold work on any server becuse of the high dmg that a raid bos do to a lvl 1 character and the dmg reflected its big and yes the raid drop is stil the same.........i have been us this tip on a c5 server and it worked
  3. ok i dont know if this tip has ben poste here.......so i will try to tel you how to kill raids faster Ok you will ned a lvl 1 charcater you ned to buf this character with reflect damage and go to raid boss and then hit the raid boss the raid will do a very big dmg on him and then will reflect it back so the raid is ded in 1 min i hope this tip will help you......sry for my bad english i hope you will understend wat i try to explain here....i tested and its work .....so good luck
  4. wat is the reson to share all this exploits if they dont work man i was thinging to donate so i will be able to downloade but i have change my mind they donst work at any server so is ussles even the walker dosen't work enymore
  5. yes man i have post that but i want to be more explicit this time i have the token game ip port and server ip but as you reply me the preivos post same show to me the walker...maybe somenone have and idea or the walker is ded
  6. hi i play lineage in a server that called l2chronicles is a c4 server and has that enoyng walker protection i have read al the boots post around here but sems that nothing work maybe someone has a idea that i can use or he will make a tutorial i apriciate if you can help me thx:D
  7. i have read al the topic for the bots but in l2chronicles dosen't work enithing at the moment maybe someone will find a way ......is a c4 server thx
  8. hy i am a nab:D pls can you help me with a walker for l2chronicles
  9. Link VerifyServer Fail...........i did exact setings but dosent work maybe you will give me an idea pls:D....ty
  10. hmm i cant select the token
  11. hmm...is this relly works cus maybe i will make a donation but i want to be 100% sure that this cheat works
  12. lol 200 post nice...but try to find cheats that works in l2off man that really works and then maybe we the l2 cheaters will donate for this site
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