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  1. LF low rate retail server without gm shop or other stuff. Interlude or classic 1-10x
  2. For some reason i can't find any option to make a char( which is assisting and following my main char) pick up drops. Using adrenaline bot. maybe somebody got an idea?
  3. For me it doesn't resize the Button or letter size. It stays the same smh
  4. Doesn't work for lineage
  5. hello folks I would like to ask if there is any patch available which makes lineage2 in 4k playable. When i change the resolution to 4k the symbols will get way too small. The only way to play l2 in fullhd with a 4k monitor is fullscreen right now. Window mode is not possible due to small menu etc. Is there any solution?
  6. l2 is a dead game. Everybody is using bots and quits if something goes wrong. Just accept it
  7. It's just crazy what l2 become... Russians started shit like this and now we continue. Now we pretend to pay money for clans just so they play on your server? Fuckers ruined this lovely game. L2 is only commercial nowdays.
  8. Maybe the fact that nearly every admin is scamming l2 players nowdays? Not only admins but players themself are trash... everybody tries to cheat.. the poorest fucker will pay his last money for adrenaline just to be better than other even if it's by cheating. Who knows maybe this admin is a unicorn in this dirty business :)
  9. And i have a unicorn right in my garden lol
  10. I'm looking for a new server, (no Beta servers)
  11. I would like to play lineage once again. Does any pvp mid or low rate server start today? (interlude)
  12. well for now its Evoke but i faced this on many other server as well
  13. Greetings guys, I would like to know a way how to bypass box limitation bind to hwid. Is there a way? Im willing to pay tho.
  14. wtt 5-10€ paypal money for paysafe. (only trusted forum members) I go first if you want pm me
  15. del me
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