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About Josh88

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  1. you'll get banned so fast doing this
  2. Somewhat true, leveling a char on retail sucks but at least its the most legit server out there, your char is going nowhere and you always have the latest update. I lost a high level char on an x3 private server and it sucked, kinda wish I had invested that time into retail :(
  3. L2 :P back in the day for N64 perfect dark & goldeneye occupied a lot of my time too, D2 also for PC
  4. yeah this game is pretty bad, it was ok for a few days but it's so repetitive and tedious, D2 was way better
  5. I still love THs, you might die fast but you can take a lot of people with you :P
  6. is 5000x really not high enough :P
  7. very cool, thanks
  8. tough call, I'll go DA, TH would be second
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