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  1. 3b left. Get before it's gone! Cheapest price ever
  2. Hello, Got 4,5b 3.5 for sell on the server RPG Club 3x. If interested please let me know! Cheap price Skype: pmshoy
  3. Adena: 2.6 Bil Characters: Archmage 84/75/75/75 Skills +15 EQ: Vesper Noble Robe 1600 Rising Star SA 300 +6 Vesper /Glove/Shoes Freya Necklace +6 PVP A belt (def) Pm if youre interested.
  4. 85 Hell Knight: 15 Euro -Nobless -Shacke +28 (Other skills over +12) -Oli Earring/Ring/Shuttgard Earring -Augmentations: Active Heal/Reflect/Might -100kk Adena If interested please PM me.
  5. still want cardi + spoil?
  6. New price for hellknight. Good luck!
  7. Hello, Selling characters, no gear. 85 Hell Knights: 20 Euro -Nobless -Shacke +28 (Other skills over +12) -Oli Earring/Ring/Shuttgard Earring -Augmentations: Active Heal/Reflect/Might -100kk Adena 85 DoomCryer 10 Euro Sold 85 Blade Dancer 5 Euro 85 Hierophant (CC learned) 15 Euro Sold 84 Cardinal 10 Euro -Nobless 81 Necro 5 Euro 80 Spoil 10 Euro If you're interested drop me a PM and we can discuss
  8. +12 Vesper Cutter SA 300 75 euro +6 Vorpal Heavy 1800 75 euro Selling Adena as well. PM me for more info if youre interested.
  9. Selling preferably full character with the great. If you're interested in something from the list PM me. Hell Knight 85 Nobless (Haste, Focus) Vorpal Heavy - 1800 PVP armor Vesper Cutter Holy 300 + SA Focus +6 A-Top Grade Skill P.atk belt Skills 10-13 Olympiad Ring Olympiad Earring Zaken Earring Frintezza Necklace Server RPG Club 7x Victory
  10. Hello guys, I need someone who can help me with the scrip expanding event teleport action. I need my party to stop following it's leader once he teleport or get teleported/summoned by third party. Current event teleport setting allow to "Pause activity" but only for individual or it's target. Checked "Follow next player" in "Party settings" doesn't target person who they follows. If someone could please tell me how to break autofollow after their leader get teleported away from them I'd appreciate. Thank you Ps; I will be more than happy to buy such a script for Adrenaline
  11. Only chars for sale. Basic EQ Dominator 12e Shilen Knight 12e
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