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Everything posted by Frank

  1. You say a good word about a server and you are GM's friend or admin's alt account, you say bad things and you are legit => "greek common logic"
  2. 1) I don't even remember those names. Did they play last year or back at 2009? Did you remember me or Versus giving items to them or have any clue about that? 2) Well "everything was broken" is kinda too much. There were many things that were not working probably like the sieges but it was only one time, after that we fixed this issue which was caused by Acis and we couldn't have known about it. But don't forget that we also had ddos attacks to handle and some lagging issues which were caused by our bad hosting company, so we had too many important things to take care of. However, we are not fools to make the same mistakes again, and that's why we invested more money now on both hosting and advertising in order to be sure that we won't have such issues again. 3) Overpowered donations? No, donations were never overpowered since we never gave any max enchant to anyone and we never added that in our donation list. The overpower thing was the "gap" between new players and donators or old players. And this is already fixed now: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=641.0 4) I am not sure I can understand what you're saying here, but as I said yeah we had some in game issues which were fixed though. The bad thing is that they took us more time than expected, because we had more important things to fix like the hosting company issues. Anyway, I am pretty sure that almost all old L2DeathWhisper players will join us again, just to take a look if we deliver what we promised 1 year after and if we bring back DeathWhisper as it should be. So believe me I know that players will judge us from the first day and I am prepared for it. I wouldn't risk L2DeathWhisper's name again. But even if you don't believe me, do not call me scammer or money hunger or corrupted if you can't prove it, that way you're not helping us, yourself or the players who might see your posts. In the end, a scammer wouldn't explain or invest time to reply to you.
  3. I made a typo mistake since the previous reply was not for you, apologies for that. Well I still don't understand why you call me trash, kid and scumbag, however I will give it a try with you as well unless you don't stop that rude comments. 1) Corruption. As I stated on previous posts, can you proove that me or my staff is corrupted? According to you, everyone can claim anyone as corrupted, so maybe I should go and spam all upcoming servers without having a single proof? 2) Bugs. Well this depends on what you mean by bug, if you mean some unbalanced classes like Dominator, then yes you're right, this class was way too strong on DeathWhisper and this is why we reworked all the classes from scratch. Moreover do not forget about this fact, bugs will always exist or appear all of sudden. However we are using a very good private antibot protection which even stops Adrenaline, so hacking tools can't be used on L2DeathWhisper. 3) Money Hunger. I do not understand why you call us money hungers. We opened L2DeathWhisper back on 2009 and then we re-opened it 1 year ago but after the mistakes we did we closed it and worked hard to improve it and make it right. If we were money hungers, we would add all kind of items and enchants on our donation list from the first day. But guess what, we are the only server who doesn't have donations opened on 1st day, or am I wrong? 4) Unskilled Admins. You have never run a Lineage 2 server, right? So you have no right to call us unskilled. You don't even know how many things we have to take care of and you have nothing to say about our fixes/changes? Just think of something, we have to take care of bugs, fixes, updates, and in game monitoring. This is not an easy thing, and mistakes can happen. But we are here and we work every day, and this can be proven from our changelogs. In the end, you might not like L2DeathWhisper or me or Versus, but you're so unfair since you don't see the work we put on this project and the work we put after the project runs as well. There is no other Interlude PVP server with so many changelogs and additions per day. Almost all the admins, prepare their servers and sit back after opening, but we don't. We are fixing/adding things every single day.
  4. Maybe you're posting on the wrong topic? We never opened re-opened DeathWhisper. L2DeathWhisper was online back on 2009 and re-opened only once last year which was started good but ended bad. This time won't be the same since server is reworked. And why do you care? You're not a player and I am sure you never played on L2DeathWhisper. As I can see you're a server owner by yourself. Attacking other servers won't help you get players, but only enemies. Well yeah I don't know if they were playing other servers, I meant that they are oldschool on DeathWhisper.
  5. You're wrong once again. Scroll up and read what I've said: "Anyway, regarding the last year, well yeah we made some critical mistakes and invested less money that the amount we should have invested for hosting and advertising." I admit that we made mistakes in the past but we never gave any item for free to anyone and for no reason on L2DeathWhisper. 21st Century is an oldschool clan playing since 2009, but you can go ahead and see for yourself, we always treated them like equals. Check our forum: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum
  6. 1) We've created Armor Upgrader and Armor Upgrade Levels, more information here: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=641 The only reason we added that is to vanish the gap between new players and older ones. Since this was the main issue on DeathWhisper. The price required for the armor is exactly the same as it was on previous deathwhisper so NO we did not add this armor upgrader for more donations. 2) We've added Party Farm Zone and Chaotic Farm Zone with really good mobs and drops. Worthy for every party or clan to farm there. Since our players were not satisfied with our previous farming system we decided to change it and make it more attractive and less boring. 3) We've reworked all the classes on PVE, PVP and Olympiad Mode. I just mentioned 3 of the most important things we did. In order to show you for one more time that you're completely wrong and you're just put out your hate against me and DeathWhisper. I bet that If Versus make that topic you wouldn't post such negative comments. Anyway, nowdays Lineage 2 servers die fast for 2 reasons. 1) Lack of Balance between classes and 2) Lack of features and gameplay progress. We haven't changed the core of Lineage 2, but we've added very cool things to make our game never ending or at least extend the progress of each character. Thank you for your kind words, glad to see you on L2DeathWhisper!
  7. Go find the photos and post them here. Also we've never gave any kind of items to any players and I already mentioned it above. But what's the point of talking with you? You haven't even seen the new features list and what we've changed to our server and you claim that we don't make any changes. Anyway that's enough. This is an advertisement topic, we have invested our time and our money on L2DeathWhisper and we'll do our best to make it succeed. For the community of DeathWhisper, we are going to post news very soon and there is a closed beta coming as well.
  8. We're used to such comments from alt accounts of competitors or retards. Yeah some of you are retards and I am glad you're not playing on L2DeathWhisper. But if you accuse us for corruption, do it with proofs. We are not corrupted, you can't just create stories against us without having a single proof. Anyway, regarding the last year, well yeah we made some critical mistakes and invested less money that the amount we should have invested for hosting and advertising. This time we've worked very hard and re-balanced the whole game and each different class on PVE, PVP and Olympiad Mode. Just give it a try and then you can post your negative comments again, but please do it with proofs and arguments, not just random words. I kindly request a moderator to take action here and clean some posts since they just discredit me, my staff and my project. We all accept negative and positive comments but as I said they must be explained at least.
  9. Any proof of what you're saying? Cause I remember myself giving rewards to the castle winners once siege ended. I'll have to ask a mod to clean your post since what you mentioned never happened on L2DeathWhisper.
  10. 20 days left until the big return of L2DeathWhisper! Do not miss the chance to win big prizes on pre-opening forum events: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=642
  11. Maybe verified pages have this option enabled?
  12. The Advertisement Event has just started! Join now! http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=642
  13. Don't waste your time, even if you work hard you'd be ages away from what Acis provides (and it provides almost nothing unless a clean source to work on).
  14. A new Advertisement Event has just started! You can join and win multiple rewards! More information can be found here: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=642
  15. I don't have alt accounts and I do not understand why so much hate against me and my project. L2DeathWhisper was boring once yeah I admit that, but that was the old version of it. Just give it a chance and then you're free to post your opinion about it.
  16. NEW SEASON - EDGE OF DARKNESS OPENING: 30/10/2016 Website: http://l2deathwhisper.com Forum: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum Facebook: http://facebook.com/l2deathwhisper
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