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About aplamhden

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  1. WTS ADENA ON RPG-CLUB x3 H5 1kk = 0.15 euro // 100kk = 15 euro stock : 150kk++ payment = paypal add skype : aplamhden666
  2. can you tell us plz, about l2net:P i know the program how it wokrs (in the past:p) , tell us about bypass , private msg me plz, if you want:)
  3. begin engine.SetTarget('ebony'); delay(1000); Engine.UseSkill(1323); end. IM NEW TO l2adr scripting:P i have whrite this:) how can i do repeat this after 5 minutes for example? again and again ?
  4. i can log , but in game the tower dont do anything!, i have settings tower panel, but dont start hit mobs etc. :/ is maby tower version problem? i have & 1.4..2.133 & dont work:/
  5. file alakse to user.ini , ayto to file einai ypey8ino gia to zoom out.
  6. Request bot for http://dreamtoplay.ru (epilogue) is Java server! has 2,5k ppl online and opened 22-6-12 . p.s: ty
  7. www.l2pilgrims.com einai to site tou server. an exei idea kapios gia kapio walker panw gia ayton ton srv as milhsei:) ct2 part2 java eiani o srv, to 2.05 p exw dokimasei kai to 2.9b h kati tetoio, nai men douleyeoun panw katw, alla active folow dn kanei:/ p.s:tnx
  8. ela re afanouli!!
  9. ty 8a to dokimasw.
  10. elixir, an kai mas spaei ta nevra ton teeyteo kairo!:P
  11. wra na ta dokimasoume! xD
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