After one day on this server,
Farm is boring, always the same, coins for buy customs weapons/armors/blessed enchants(100%) ..but for sure not epics jewels(need vote coins) !
Maps are boring, always the same, primeval isle(for pvp too) for earn hight/top ls and much farming coins..
The first day, no geodata description on custom weapons aren't finish
About donators ? The first day, there was an player who destroyed us named "fane", he was in the top pvp, and his clan, in top clan Why ? Because of this so with full epics and gear +20 for sure ! A old player(from L2Golden) came to me and said me that "fane" on L2Golden was like a GM char, and well it's the same at this time. Also, he watched him, like me and saw this His own clan thought this too
Raidbosses are cool but, they respawn so fast. So no PVP and if you got a clan who zerg a lot, it's easy to farm them.
Well to sum up, in one day boring, maybe corrumption(50% sure), no fun, waste of time and have like 50 peoples or less.