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    VFX reel - 3D design - Cinematic SFX's

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  1. Can you give me an add on skype cause i have 1 question on this i actualy want to understand it no just copy it skype: unst0ppabl32
  2. Hello i made this npc that appear a html tb.append("<td><button value=" +p.getName() + " action=\"bypass -h Quest SearchPlayer getinfo\" width=180 height=21 back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF\"></td><br>"); the question is how i set the bypass to target the player name example im the player "Admin" and the npc find all active players in world and appear their names in a list but i want when i click the player name to give me details for him like his levels e.t.c so in a new class private void Results(L2PcInstance p ) { } i want post the things of the player that i click his name like p.getLevel() e.t.c and return HIS LEVEL no mine.. Thanks!
  3. And why you open the topic if none of the links contain anything ? i dont get it ...seem stupid first "hello"
  4. I need see about L2DamageZone and make the thread similar..
  5. Lets say that i made 1 thread that calculate and send message to all players in 1 zone every second and one other that is timer on a npc (real time) and i was just thinking if keep making more it will delay things or something
  6. Hello i made 1 threadpool that check every 1 second and then another one and bla bla the question is how much a trheadpool that check every 1 second or 0.5 seconds lag the server or affect the pc? Lets say i have 10 threadpool that all check every 1 second... is it bad?
  7. Thank you sir it worked <3 you sexy
  8. Hello i made this public static String stats(final L2PcInstance player) { final TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder(); tb.append("<html><title>Casino Manager</title><body>"); tb.append("<center>"); tb.append("<center>"); tb.append("Place your bets"); tb.append("</tr>"); tb.append("</center>"); tb.append("<center><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=\"280\" height=\"1\">"); tb.append("</body></html>"); player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return tb.toString(); } i call it but when i call it no html come up >.> the rest code work exept this
  9. @N1nj4Styl3 for some reason you sexy <3
  10. I love how you dig 6-7 months post and bring it on top to say that the link is fine :3
  11. Trusted seller leei o malakas pou ekane account gia na grapsi ston eauto tou xa0xa0xaxxaxa
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