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Everything posted by cicciopipi

  1. IT's supposed to be in party... This is the best private server around for now,good gms and coders. The only thing now you have to wait at least 30-40 min to enter...
  2. i broke 3 times at +11....not so usefull >_>
  3. Don't bump up thread of 1 year ago..
  4. Dunno but in my server you need to wait for "altar" or the npc to give QI.So is same for normal rb,just you need to talk with a npc before ...
  5. sorry for dumbass question...but what does it do? is it a walker?
  6. i'm waiting for feedback before testing...my antivirus got crazy :/
  7. for orc : first zealot then frenzy...Always!
  8. I'm asking if possibile to hide or have different ip's on wireless...so GM can't track you lan.Normal guide from google about hiding ip for web is enough?
  9. I'm asking if possibile to hide or have different ip's on wireless...so GM can't track you lan.Normal guide from google about hiding ip for web is enough?
  10. step 1:bug with a strider the 4 s. doors (you should know how to make it) step 2: farm as many keys you can step3:with these keys you can summon halisha as many times you want,just remember to stay logged only 49 minutes,otherwise you will be ported on first room of it. that's all
  11. it's only me or anyone else gets walker frozen after some hours=?
  12. you need to install only proxifier...other file are self running(just duoble click and they start) BAKA-ICE FOLDER= normal l2 system that you normally use WALKER FOLDER=a new system folder (like system2) that you put into l2 main dir.you must set this as zooom explained or,if you play on DN,just download the one posted.
  13. mm..many times my walker got "freeze" and don't move ....
  14. FINALLY WORKS! now some tips: 1)check that you put the right gameguard.des in proxifier:if works correctly you should see the l2 icon if you open prox when running 2 client.disable firewalls,changing gameguard.des to game_guard.des ,show " hidden objects " in system folder culld help. 2) if you run on vista like me,remember to "run as admin" proxi,l2arv,walker.it made difference for me. follow the guide from zooom and search in this thread,many things has been already solved. gl!
  15. Useless...i alwyas log with baka-ice and not with l2 walker client......
  16. me. try to write gameguard.des or disable hide object in that folder.
  17. zooom any suggestion ?i'm stuck at char selection... baka -ice goes to char selection but l2walker doesn't... i followed all suggestion posted before (change game.guard.des to game_guard).. forkr says this 16:41:18 - Remote:Unable to read data from the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. (i run on vista)
  18. still need help!! zoooom where are u??T_T
  19. rename l2.exe? and l2.ini?don't understand T_T now i can log both,but only baka ice client go to char selection screen...i deactivated firewall (like zoom said) and put game_guard.des on proxifier...still no working 14.19.11 - Debug build 14.19.12 - Using Proxy: False 14.19.12 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107] 14.29.03 - New local connection[2106] 14.29.03 - Local LS connection->Handle 14.29.09 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 14.29.09 - New SOCKS connection for 14.29.10 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 14.29.28 - End of Local:LS connection 14.29.28 - New local connection[2106] 14.29.28 - Local GS connection->Add to queue 14.29.28 - Local connection waiting 14.29.35 - Remote listen thread exit 14.29.35 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 14.29.35 - Local listen thread exit 14.34.20 - New local connection[2106] 14.34.20 - Local LS connection->Handle 14.34.24 - End of Local:LS connection 14.34.24 - New local connection[2106] 14.34.24 - Local GS connection->Add to queue 14.34.24 - Local connection waiting 14.34.27 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 14.34.27 - New SOCKS connection for 14.34.28 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 14.34.33 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 14.34.33 - Local listen thread exit 14.34.33 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '7777' 14.34.34 - New SOCKS connection for 14.34.34 - Remote listen thread exit 14.34.35 - Proxy kicked~ 14.34.35 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue 14.34.35 - New pair 14.34.35 - Remote:Impossibile scrivere dati sulla connessione di trasporto: Connessione interrotta dal software del computer host. 14.34.35 - Removed a gameconnection
  20. FIXED! dunno how....but now walker runs... but now i have another problem: when i have server list from walker client and server list from bakaice client and then i log on my server....nothing happens on walker client!.... .... any suggestion? an important thing i can't find a proper gameguard.des to put on proxi...so i put the most similiar thing :D
  21. still having critical error when i launch walker...i click on run...1-2 second of loading and critical error...i used the one posted here... what i have to do? i put host file in ect dir,launch l2asrv and set l2.exe ...maybe i miss anything else?
  22. i can't log walker client...any suggestion???always criticsl error ( i use .exe from zoom system)
  23. i always get this error from walker 2008.7.15 22:47:52 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2408 MHz with 511MB RAM Video : No Video Assertion failed: sizeof(*this)==GetClass()->GetPropertiesSize() [File:.\UnGame.cpp] [line: 527] History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
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