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About Cocaine

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    L2 Core Developer

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  1. Απλά βάζεις same ID's και δεν αναβοσβήνει XxRxX
  2. Yeah nice website with really nice wallpapers,nice your offer.
  3. Στα main games oχι σε private servers πάντα πληρώνεις αλλιώς τα έσοδα των publisher εταιριών δεν αυξάνονται (σίγουρα η γνωστή εταιρεία δεν περιμένει το Lineage ή το Guildwars μόνο για κέρδη).
  4. Το Clan Hall πάει σε αυτόν που έχει διαθέσει το maximum ποσό για το συγκεκριμένο Clan Hall και αυτός που έκανε πρώτος την δημοπρασία.
  5. Μπορείτε επίσης να φτιάξετε τα δικά σας Clan/Alliance crests μέσω Photoshop :)
  6. Wraia episimansi.Keep up the good Work ;)
  7. Alright i'll give some info about some classes: At PvP servers all Mages must use: +4 INT -4 MEN +4 WIT -4 MEN +4 CON -4 STR -8 stats to Mentallity means -M.Defense and more possibilities get a sleep/root/silence condition,but if we talk about PvP server you can get Mental Shield Buff, you also like Mage got Passive Skill called Anti Magic that Increases more than other fighter classes own M.Defense. For Knife users also known as Dagger Type Players at PvP servers must use:+4 DEX -4 STR +1DEX -1 STR +4 CON -4 STR -9 stats to Strenght means -P.Attack and less attack damage to simple hits,but if we talk about PvP server you can get Song of Renewal,Song of Champion that decreases re-use delay from all physical skills you MUST use,(simple hits are useless). If you got a Orc Destroyer - Titan whatever and you wish to make trains with Polearm you must put +CON dyes and you must choose between -STR and -DEX this is cause you get Max HP and you able to use Frenzy,Zealot skill "easy" without get rip, anyway both skills increase your lost stats strenght and Dexterity. If you got a "Tank" whatever you must use +CON too dyes to get maximum depend class HP,things change when you want make a Tank against a char into Arena/Coliseum you must use +STR and +DEX dyes,and you must play with Knife(Dagger with Special Ability Critical Damage or Focus). If you got Healer Class you must use +WIT for sure and you can choose between +DEX or additional +1WIT Dye third slot must be for sure +CON These above are some usefull dyes by my opinion. Respect you all.
  8. Karma para poli kalo Topic me lathakia fisika alla gia ta basika para poli kalo. Epishs merikoi pu ^perigelate^ please diabaste prosextika omws ti kanei to Ultimate Evasion Skill,den simfwnw ekei pu leei na to use against mage alla,diabaste gia na mathete kai kati new giati ola ta skills ta blepete sta grigora ^afipsilou^ . Respect se olous sas panta me filika ais8hmata.
  9. Hello everybody here to MaxBastards,i need help about a L2J server. If someone it's able to help me will be welcome im new about making private server and i'd like to get some important info about it.Don't fear about me im processing fast ;) (Help me please as you get help one day).Thanks very much for understanding me Cheaterz! :D
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