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Everything posted by tiguz

  1. Hello fellow users, I got this shared code: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/207755-l2jfrozen-augment-command/ And I added it to my pack, and its working almost 100%..I encountered 2 problem that need to be fixed, they are: 1 - After augmenting a weapon, the augment skill name doesnt appear in the weapon descriptions, but the skill was added. The only thing that appears in the <Augmentation Effects> are the stats modifications like HP +10 , CP +96, Evasion +1 etc. 2- After augmenting the weapon, it should be renamed to: "Augment Arcana Mace Acumen". Well, the code does it, but after one restart the weapon name is reseted back to "Arcana Mace Acumen". So it need a fix to always keep the right name. 3- After using the augment skill if I make restart it is removed from my buff bar. It should stay like other buffs. Anyone willing to fix this? its a nice share
  2. brazilian is not a language, but a person born in brasil y'all are wrong lol
  3. just tested this and it has problems.. After augment one weapon with lv 10 skill, the skill name doesnt appear in the weapon.. just the stats like Evasion +1/ Hp +25.. And after make char RR, it doesnt say in the weapon name it is augmented..like Augment Draconic Bow Focus .. after make rr: go back to Draconic Bow focus.
  4. here you go: Its the same problem with passive augments.
  5. Thank you for the info, i will try to do as u say. Ill report if I get any problems
  6. I use interlude, and I tought I could call them using something like you said Solomun. But it seems I need to call it from the core =/
  7. im using frozen 1118. I was reading the xml file and I noticed that augment skills doesnt have stacktype/stackorder. but im not sure if that means anything.
  8. Hey there, I added a voiced command .info and created the main html inside gameserver/data/html. The main html contains some buttons that should open new html windows. Whats the proper way to call the other htmls? For example, NPCs use: action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1" How can I call the other chats for a voiced command? I created the folder inside gameserver/data/html and numbered each file. Thank you!
  9. Hello Mxc..I noticed a problem with augments. If I have the same skill in 2 different weapons, and I equip one after another, the skill doesnt appear in skill window. Im not talking about losing the buff.. im talking about the skill itself before being used. For actives and passives, same problem. Can I have a fix for that?
  10. Hello mxc! I want to know how I can prevent players with KARMA, PVP FLAG and COMBAT MODE from receiving buff/heals from the buffer npc. I use a script buffer and I tried to edit the script and import some information from core like: if st.player.getPvpFlag() > 0 : return showText(st,"Info","You cannot buff in this area! <font color=\"800080\">flagged!</font><br>Try again later!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.getKarma() > 0 : return showText(st,"Info","You cannot buff in this area! <font color=\"800080\">flagged!</font><br>Try again later!","False","Return","main") elif st.player.isInCombat() : return showText(st,"Info","You cannot buy buffs while in combat mode!<br>Try again later!","False","Return","main") else: return rebuildMainHtml(st) But that doesnt work, so I need some help
  11. Hey there again... I need help to find this animation: I searched almost all skills u can imagine but I didnt find it! What I know is that if you kill one Squash, they will show a similar animation, very similar but not the same.. Any idea where exactly in game that animation is documented? I want to know the ID of the skill to call that animation from core. Thx!
  12. Indeed. I found it in my client. Thx! Can you please check your inbox Solomun?
  13. The monsters I chose for my farm area execute an animation when they die. They "explode". But I want to remove this animation. Where in my core is this info stored?
  14. You are right actually. I received ready codes many times already when I couldnt solve the problem my self. Now its my turn to help another user. Here you go: final SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_HAVE_SUCCEEDED_IN_ENCHANTING_THE_SKILL_S1); sm.addSkillName(_skillId); player.sendPacket(sm); + MagicSkillUser MSU = new MagicSkillUser(player, player, 2024, 1, 1, 0); + player.broadcastPacket(MSU); I used firework skill (skill id 2024), but you can change to another skill you wish.
  15. Thank you for the tip. I removed: activeChar.sendPacket(new ExAutoSoulShot(id, 0)); activeChar.setAutoPot(id, null, false); and now its running perfectly, only interrupting the usage of pots while some of the abnormal states are in effect, and never turning the toggles off entirely. So when the effect wears off, it automatically starts consuming the pots again. I wonder why didnt u just told me what lines exactly to remove lol. For u its just like reading a book. For me took me some time to figure out since im a stranger to this =P Thank you both Solomon and Sweets!
  16. Actually this code is auto cp/hp/mp so I need for all 3 potions. The potion itself is a toggle skill that works like SoulShot with right click. At moment when player isDead, isStunned etc, the toggle is turned off automaticaly to stop using potions, instead of just not using it while stun/sleep,death effects last. There is no need to turn off the toggles everytime, should just stop using the potion itself while effect lasts, and start spamming again when effect is off. So its a pain in the ass to click again in the 3 potions to activate them back after every stun, every sleep, every death.
  17. l2jfrozen doesnt accept info.getSkill().getId() != 10001) "info"
  18. Could please paste the code here? Unfortunatelly I dont code. I can oly fix things things that I can copy from other files, or things that are very basic =P
  19. Also, If I add this exception to Heal.Java, Cardinal heals wont affect targets with stun, sleep etc. So it wont work =/ Same would happen to Overlord Cp heal Skill. I have an auto HP pot, auto MP pot, and auto CP.
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