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Everything posted by maxcheatersFan

  1. copy paste ftw i just kidding nice guide it explain all
  2. it will be great if someone post the chance to get might level 10 or other skills ...
  3. maybe u have been baned for sme days idk
  4. i don't think there is a hack like that this guy is using non greater cp pot and greater cp pot
  5. www.towalker.com
  6. it works only to servers that u can drop items
  7. yeah i have to use it but i don't know what codes or numbers to edit it
  8. i want my weapons have the hero glow like the hero weapons
  9. noone lol 1500 members in mxc and most of them are experts and can't make this ???????
  10. Can Someone make me a patch that it goes on the system folder and when i put it there and login to game my weapons have the hero glow? i want only be visible in my pc i mean in my client
  11. ok then can someone of u guys show me what i must edit or do it ur self and post the download link ?
  12. i am sure that it can be someone should make a patch that when u put in system u have hero glow but it will be only visible at you no other pc
  13. yes i want the glow hust appear in my screen just like beeing a hero in real i want only the glow can be posible?
  14. is possible making a patch that u put it on your system and when login in lineage having 4ever hero glow??? reply plx plox
  15. i can't see it its to hight posts thats why i am posting here
  16. Is there any way at hellbound to transfer the agument weapon to anther account ?
  17. Work one all server |!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. when i open token i get an error l2walker not found pliz help
  19. I need a working es-l2 server l2walker pliz post a link
  20. All noobs rr ur pc to change the ip and u are ok
  21. does anyone knows if l2j have serveffiles of kamael?
  22. it is bug anyyway now i am in necropolis i can't try now
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