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Everything posted by down

  1. Ye, it will be a bad thing during sieges. But maybe i can add this Siege siege = SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(activeChar); if (siege != null && siege.getIsInProgress()) loc = MapRegionManager.getInstance().getTeleToLocation(activeChar, TeleportWhereType.Town); else loc = new Location(x, x, x); Anyway, do u know how to add a random spawn loc? P.S.: Thank u a lot ExTrEmEDwarf :)
  2. I wanna change char spawn coordinates. When char presses to village button he gets ported to Giran town, instead of to nearest village. But the problem is i dont know which packet does that. Is it CharMoveToLocation packet? writeC(0x01); writeD(_charObjId); writeD(_xDst); writeD(_yDst); writeD(_zDst); writeD(_x); writeD(_y); writeD(_z);
  3. Maybe he can try to set InternalHostname to 192.168.x.x depending on his router, otherwise he might not be able to log in.
  4. Nice dude. better for gms if (!Config.GM_STARTUP_INVISIBLE && activeChar.isGM()) { activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16)); // hero shine activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); }
  5. CTF Engine if any1 knows how to add check for time after a char takes the flag, than set max time that a char has to score, and if he doesnt score for the time than flag is taken back. This doesnt work, static - non static conflict or sth :P ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (_player._haveFlagCTF) { _flagsTaken.set(CTF._teams.indexOf(_teamNameHaveFlagCTF), false); spawnFlag(_teamNameHaveFlagCTF); removeFlagFromPlayer(this); broadcastUserInfo(); _haveFlagCTF = false; Announcements(CTF._eventName + "(CTF): " + _teamNameHaveFlagCTF + "'s flag returned."); _flagTask.cancel(false); _flagTask = null; } } }, Config.CTF_FLAG_TIMER * 1000);
  6. I told u it has to work just this guy doesnt know how to import it...
  7. Does any1 know how can i edit to so after i exchange, eg: 1kk adena for 1 Gold bar, can some1 tell me what should i change in the packet that will send me 100 Gold bars instead of 1. If u know the solution pls reply. Thanks in advance!
  8. Paste this else if (command.startsWith("admin_mass_create")) { try { String val = command.substring(17); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val); if (st.countTokens()== 2) { String id = st.nextToken(); int idval = Integer.parseInt(id); String num = st.nextToken(); int numval = Integer.parseInt(num); massCreate(activeChar,idval,numval); } else if (st.countTokens()== 1) { String id = st.nextToken(); int idval = Integer.parseInt(id); massCreate(activeChar,idval,1); } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //itemcreate <itemId> [amount]"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { activeChar.sendMessage("Specify a valid number."); } } return true; } public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } private boolean checkLevel(int level) { return (level >= REQUIRED_LEVEL); } private void createItem(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, int num) { if (num > 20) { L2Item template = ItemTable.getInstance().getTemplate(id); if (!template.isStackable()) { activeChar.sendMessage("This item does not stack - Creation aborted."); return; } } activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, activeChar, null); ItemList il = new ItemList(activeChar, true); activeChar.sendPacket(il); activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in your inventory."); } private void massCreate(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, int num) { for (L2PcInstance _players : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers()) { if (_players == activeChar) continue; _players.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, _players, null); ItemList il = new ItemList(_players, true); _players.sendPacket(il); } activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in all chars inventory."); } }
  9. did u add this, too ? import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2World;
  10. Well try to find out more at Shutdown.java System.exit(0) <-- shutdown System.exit(2) <-- restart Combine it :P
  11. Add this in adminCreateItem.java import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2World; "admin_create_item", + "admin_mass_create" else if (command.startsWith("admin_mass_create")) { try { String val = command.substring(17); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(val); if (st.countTokens()== 2) { String id = st.nextToken(); int idval = Integer.parseInt(id); String num = st.nextToken(); int numval = Integer.parseInt(num); massCreate(activeChar,idval,numval); } else if (st.countTokens()== 1) { String id = st.nextToken(); int idval = Integer.parseInt(id); massCreate(activeChar,idval,1); } } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Usage: //itemcreate <itemId> [amount]"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { activeChar.sendMessage("Specify a valid number."); } } private void massCreate(L2PcInstance activeChar, int id, int num) { for (L2PcInstance _players : L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers()) { if (_players == activeChar) continue; _players.getInventory().addItem("Admin", id, num, _players, null); ItemList il = new ItemList(_players, true); _players.sendPacket(il); } activeChar.sendMessage("You have spawned " + num + " item(s) number " + id + " in all chars inventory."); }
  12. try this, mb it works. <set val='360' order='0x08' stat='pAtkRange'/>
  13. UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where item_id > 1462 and item_id < 1468; UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where item_id > 2508 and item_id < 2515; UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where item_id > 3946 and item_id < 3953; Execute this in ur db, so u'll not have probs. Or u can set the price to the value that will suit ur needs.
  14. Maybe 500-700 kb/s uplink will fit?
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