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Everything posted by down

  1. I thought he wants to add 360 degrees for certain pole.. not for all poles.. missunderstanding
  2. omg, u can do it from datapack side. gs/data/stats/skills and than search for wide blow SA on poles.
  3. k than.. can u help me with 'random item selection' aka a method that select 1 of 4 parts of a set, to be enchanted. Like a list, int _setParts[] = { 9600, 9601, 9602, 9603 }; or sth like that :P edit: mb this one int tobeEnch = Rnd.nextInt(dragonK.size()) return dragonK.get(tobeEnch);
  4. <and> <using kind="heavy"/> </and> or sth like that
  5. Can some re-share this? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75924.0 Since it was removed by user.
  6. i was gonna add this, but i thought there's another way :) thx anyway, mate.
  7. Guys anybody knows how can i do this for a product in multisell, it's like a test product or currently disabled for buying product :)
  8. that's what i thought in the first place..
  9. find this in L2VillageMasterInstance.java : player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.SUBCLASS_TRANSFER_COMPLETED)); and put above: if (player.getFirstEffect(426) != null || player.getFirstEffect(427) != null) { player.stopSkillEffects(426); player.stopSkillEffects(427); player.updateEffectIcons(); player.broadcastUserInfo(); }
  10. it gotta work.. since every time u change sub-class BF buff is removed.
  11. Hey guys, is there a way to somehow trick the php or w/e is checking the ppls status, so i can access the hidden sections (like we have a VIP section here, not shown to every1 but VIPers :D) without having a GM/VIP status. (It's not for MaxCheaters site)
  12. lol.. u got 50 ppl with 125 kb/s upload spd? i'm not so sure about that...
  13. How can i add new skill for certain class. Example: I wanna add Light armor mastery to BD. When i add skill to skill_trees, it shows me err in GS, could not store char skills... duplicate entry.
  14. try to add in L2AttackableAI.java find: if (!(me instanceof L2RaidBossInstance) && player.isSilentMoving() && !player.isCastingNow() && !player.isAttackingNow()) return false; and make it: if (!(me instanceof L2RaidBossInstance) && !(me instanceof L2GuardInstance) && player.isSilentMoving() && !player.isCastingNow() && !player.isAttackingNow()) return false;
  15. use this one and just remove the lines from shop which u dont wanna have. Its .html format.
  16. u can change it by learning java
  17. use search a bit. Its for Interlude http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69521.0
  18. maybe its supposed to work for certain weps
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