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MicuTzu last won the day on November 5 2017

MicuTzu had the most liked content!

About MicuTzu

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  1. P.S really was first time cardinal for me in h5 P.S.S. aa forgot say i was and hero ?
  2. Like i said i dont argue with stupids. Yes you are right Achylek !!! I am really happy to see how big fan of mine you are. How big stalker are you , searching me everywhere on social medias. And noow you come , with a screenshot from another fanboy who left dagger class cause he could not take hero anymore in same server with me at Adventrer class ---xLpina A Screenshot from 2 years ago. Wow Achylek you are really my biggest fan , thx !
  3. AlmostRandom , yes you are right too :D
  4. like i said in previous comments i find out the secret in life is to not argue with stupid people. Yes you right Achylek !
  5. music taste is different for everyone.
  6. whatever , i dont really care about your opinion. Also i find out the secret in life is to not argue with stupid people. Yes , you are right Achylek.
  7. Hello guys , did you miss my Lineage2 videos , don't worry !!! Today i bring you a brand new video , once afgain from la2dream server. You can see everything you want , lvl 40 twinks for AQ fights , big epics like Frintezza , Baium and Antharas and of course a smal siee on Giran Castle. I want to notice this server sides are very stable , you will never know who will win!!! Special thanks to tr1ada clan side and to my newest CP #Nip , Well done guys Don't forget add me like , subscribe and share the video if you like my videos , your like and share is a big +++ for me , THANKS ! https://la2dream.com/
  8. is true dogs die much faster then humans ? when you die nobody will miss you achylek :)
  9. sorry to disapoint you , but i play WoW :) ...so hauf hauf , bring the bone doggy :D http://prntscr.com/kkhqho
  10. Forever Vercetti's DOG !!!! hauf hauf hauf !!! take the bone Acylek !!! :)))
  11. Natsugen why woould you pay a ranmdom as MrPro ??? with hes random CP ?? hes advertise = 0 inpact , hes CP = 0 fame , you pay all randoms to join your server ??? i Bring 10 party how much you pay? :))
  12. Gonna share with yu guys a conversation i ahd with SkyLord in skype , how he said me he allows players sell items for realm money :)) http://prntscr.com/hdgynt
  13. now i understand from where that strange 7 unlikes......from haters and forum fighters from maxcheaters ...... that talk about l2 like some "pro" but in game they dont know to make nobless quest .....sad ....sad .....
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