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Everything posted by striker

  1. it's great thing man i test it on gracia final l2j and works perfect thanks for this. and i have one question can you make buffer that buff time won't be depend on player skills time? in players i mean pp ee and so on....
  2. i am now testing it and when i finish testing i write what problems have it
  3. if it's really work thanks
  4. thanks man it's very helpfull i will test it
  5. hidde post it will be better
  6. did someone test it? how many bugs it have?
  7. does this buffer work on interlude? l2jfree pack
  8. is l2j developers a live??.............
  9. hi l2j devs i need your help i have l2jfree pack interlude and have problem with salvation, when i get salvation buff and someone kill me salvation dissapears and with this buff s too and i don't take res windows. if someone can help post here, and sorry for bad english :)
  10. www.L2-Renewal.net Download here-> http://www.4shared.com/file/107053774/910fee18/wwwl2-renewalnet.html link don't work please correct it i need this site
  11. ohh thanks this was the best help i have ever recive :D :D
  12. i have prolem when i log in game i can login to login server but when i am trying to login to game server nothing happens it looks like game server is on but i cannot login can someone help??
  13. i need help with how to build l2 off server i need the detail guide with pictures or video how to do this in detail if someone can help i will be glad....
  14. i try this if it works for my server thanks :)
  15. no it's georgian server www.predator.ge
  16. server is on, with client i can login, user pass is right, user isn't in use...... what else problem can be?
  17. i did what you said but no effect i have the same problem
  18. 21:01:41 :[loaded interface 21:01:44 :[Hello User! 21:01:44 :[use of this program is only allowed if the included EULA.txt is accepted. 21:01:44 :[Motivation for development comes only through your donation! Click "Help" -> "Donate" to make your donation today! 21:01:44 :[Thank you for your help, and happy botting! 21:01:45 :[loaded saved server list 21:01:45 :[loaded saved blowfish list 21:01:54 :[starting login Process 21:01:55 :[Connected to login server 21:01:55 :[Got RSA key 21:01:55 :[Got Blowfish key 21:01:55 :[lol gameguard 21:01:55 :[login info - packing username/pw 21:01:55 :[login info - rsa start 21:01:55 :[login info - rsa end 21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard start 21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply 21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard end/checksum start 21:01:55 :[login info - checksum end 21:01:55 :[login info - blowfish done 21:01:55 :[login info - sending login info 21:01:55 :[login info - login info sent 21:01:55 :[login fail what can i do?? server ip:
  19. nice share i use this files in my server. and what i want to know. does dynasti end epik armors and weapons have stats? and what stats they have?
  20. what version of eclipse is better for work??
  21. i whant to know how to open .class format file what program is needed to open this format. thanks for help
  22. does it work fine? too much bugs??
  23. before they made gameguard update i looged in with l2.net walker, but now i can't login and because i need help ip user and pass everithing is right problem is in gameguard and if someone know how to solve problem help me
  24. up up up...............
  25. i want help with this server www.predator.ge Cronicle: HellBound IP: user: doti03 pass: test this is server updater http://rapidshare.de/files/45490581/Hellbound_Automatic_Update.exe.html thanks for help...
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