it's great thing man i test it on gracia final l2j and works perfect thanks for this. and i have one question can you make buffer that buff time won't be depend on player skills time? in players i mean pp ee and so on....
hi l2j devs i need your help i have l2jfree pack interlude and have problem with salvation, when i get salvation buff and someone kill me salvation dissapears and with this buff s too and i don't take res windows. if someone can help post here, and sorry for bad english :)
Download here->
link don't work please correct it i need this site
i have prolem when i log in game i can login to login server but when i am trying to login to game server nothing happens it looks like game server is on but i cannot login can someone help??
i need help with how to build l2 off server i need the detail guide with pictures or video how to do this in detail if someone can help i will be glad....
21:01:41 :[loaded interface
21:01:44 :[Hello User!
21:01:44 :[use of this program is only allowed if the included EULA.txt is accepted.
21:01:44 :[Motivation for development comes only through your donation! Click "Help" -> "Donate" to make your donation today!
21:01:44 :[Thank you for your help, and happy botting!
21:01:45 :[loaded saved server list
21:01:45 :[loaded saved blowfish list
21:01:54 :[starting login Process
21:01:55 :[Connected to login server
21:01:55 :[Got RSA key
21:01:55 :[Got Blowfish key
21:01:55 :[lol gameguard
21:01:55 :[login info - packing username/pw
21:01:55 :[login info - rsa start
21:01:55 :[login info - rsa end
21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard start
21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard known query... sending known reply
21:01:55 :[login info - gameguard end/checksum start
21:01:55 :[login info - checksum end
21:01:55 :[login info - blowfish done
21:01:55 :[login info - sending login info
21:01:55 :[login info - login info sent
21:01:55 :[login fail
what can i do??
server ip:
before they made gameguard update i looged in with walker, but now i can't login and because i need help ip user and pass everithing is right problem is in gameguard and if someone know how to solve problem help me
i want help with this server
Cronicle: HellBound
user: doti03
pass: test
this is server updater
thanks for help...