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About panosgarett

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  1. I have one question...are the changes client side only or all the server can see the changes in your colors?
  2. Nice one but if the sevitor goes too far away from the char you wont be able to Transfer Pain to it.tested works but it needs caution for the pet not to go fara away from char or you will loose some points if you are a soultaker
  3. It doesn't work for me on greek c4 server.It says not enough adena to me also.Why is that?Please uploader help.
  4. wors for my greatly like a glove
  5. The answer is simple...Bootmanager progs and u can install allthre of them f.e win98,xp,vista and as many your HDD can store..
  6. panosgarett

    ANIME !!

    Dragonball series an higly suggested the 12 movies!!
  7. nice vid
  8. thanz for the share but no results...with calculator tested fresh & win setup..
  9. Greek zeimpeik dance 4tw
  10. nice one needs attention
  11. hello there m8
  12. If you are downloadin for your personal use i belive it is ok but if u distribute them by selling methods of course it is steling...
  13. TB lolek.....:DDDDDDD
  14. Make zoom out possible Mark friendly & agrro mobs and many more stuff C4 OFF Working 100% C5-C6 NOT TESTED http://rapidshare.de/files/38129189/Setup_LineAge_Utils.rar.html
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