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Everything posted by tronchopk

  1. Hello, i try to found someone that sell that scripts,but currently no one have it to sell,and i see ppl on the server that have this scripts,any1 know where i can find it? thanks.
  2. deadz is so good interface i use that,when mean god i talk (about Goddess of destruction Damage like the video),playing for long time in goddess and i still miss the on screen damage like video,btw thanks for all reply,if anyone can found it,please share it
  3. i never see any god interface for hi5
  4. idk what server are,but i send msg to guy that posted on YT
  5. i want this damage on screen like this for server in h5 (im player)
  6. it asks pwd for extract... what pw is that? any1 know
  7. i writte wrong sry,im drunk :) sry
  8. hello i try all interface h5 and still crash with all,anyone know one can work?
  9. hi any free bot working on private server? i try to search on forum and link i see (adrenaline cracked version link down and other too) any bot free working on privates?
  10. im looking abit for automp,hp,cp for interlude but didnt found any1,if anyone know one please share it and sry if post are on wrong zone
  11. automp,autocp,autohp didnt work for me, other all fine
  12. Aeore Cardinal -> level 99 Dual Class -> Wyn level 86 sub -> 80 set immortals noble 15 ap for more info pm also on same acc othell ghost hunter level 85
  13. Selling 200kk for 13€ Paypal only Trusted seller!
  14. WTS Aeore Eva's Saint level 99 - 78% 15 AP and 17% SP Dual Ghost Hunter 98 - 18% Brooch 4slots level 3 (obsidian,emerald,shappire,pearl,diamond,ruby) talisman annhilation Aria Bracelet:CON Set Immortal event first owner, original email want to trade for adena only just leave offer here or via pm. for more info pm or post here SOLD.
  15. Hello admin! its my first i do trade and unfortunately i got scam i think. Name on mxc: Pto Skype: punil2v Profile:http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/104878-pto/?LMCL=sXAidP&LMCL=JwQMmo&LMCL=MMcbKy&LMCL=aeXx2d&LMCL=DoZZAx&LMCL=mqgYLr&LMCL=lFO0sJ&LMCL=vogQTX&LMCL=jVOtai&LMCL=BuRqSD&LMCL=gSPdDC&LMCL=tGUErH&LMCL=pK5AJH&LMCL=WzUTmq&LMCL=RNnF92&LMCL=j6cOKK&LMCL=YNDOgG&LMCL=LUjYLL&LMCL=ZGFLlb&LMCL=JBYiu_&LMCL=Eihcsb&LMCL=o166xK&LMCL=E6Rhn7&LMCL=RjSBR1&LMCL=GFs1mE&LMCL=Yj1yj_ [25/09/2015 23:40:00] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: from mxc ? [25/09/2015 23:40:09] Mendez: yeah [25/09/2015 23:40:17] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: 60 euro 3b ? [25/09/2015 23:40:21] Mendez: yeah [25/09/2015 23:40:25] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: why so cheap ? [25/09/2015 23:40:27] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: scam? :D [25/09/2015 23:40:31] Mendez: quitting game [25/09/2015 23:40:42] Mendez: nope [25/09/2015 23:40:51] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: sec oly [25/09/2015 23:40:52] Mendez: just quit l2 [25/09/2015 23:40:54] Mendez: and want to sell it [25/09/2015 23:43:07] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: ok [25/09/2015 23:43:09] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: paypal ? [25/09/2015 23:43:12] Mendez: yeah [25/09/2015 23:43:30] Mendez: i go first if u want , i dont want scam ppl [25/09/2015 23:43:32] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: give me ur email, send money to EatMyFist after ill send 60 euro [25/09/2015 23:43:40] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: i never go first [25/09/2015 23:43:41] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: so lol [25/09/2015 23:43:43] Mendez: yeah ofc [25/09/2015 23:44:03] Mendez: julib.gonzs@yahoo.es [25/09/2015 23:44:10] Mendez: sending mail [25/09/2015 23:45:08] Mendez: tell me when u recieve adena [25/09/2015 23:46:56] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: logging acc sec [25/09/2015 23:48:19] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: sending ? [25/09/2015 23:48:29] Mendez: sec i check [25/09/2015 23:49:07] Mendez: not yet [25/09/2015 23:49:17] Mendez: wait few min [25/09/2015 23:49:19] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: fast pls [25/09/2015 23:51:19] Mendez: still waiting but nothing [25/09/2015 23:51:49] WTS L2Age Tales Critical Source: ... [25/09/2015 23:51:57] Mendez: i can make screenshot [25/09/2015 23:51:58] Mendez: if u want [25/09/2015 23:52:55] Mendez: https://gyazo.com/ae72e204112fee184d758fb1bef0ac7d [25/09/2015 23:52:58] Mendez: i can lie [25/09/2015 23:53:38] Mendez: probably we need to wait for transfer or smth [25/09/2015 23:53:43] Mendez: idk [26/09/2015 0:00:14] Mendez: plz check it if u send correct [26/09/2015 0:03:39] Mendez: u still here? [26/09/2015 0:10:13] Mendez: can u make screenshot u are send it? [26/09/2015 0:18:16] Mendez: mate? [26/09/2015 0:36:23] Mendez: ? [26/09/2015 1:01:55] Mendez: bro? [26/09/2015 1:03:01] Mendez: u are scamming me? [26/09/2015 3:27:16] Mendez: still not here? [26/09/2015 4:05:45] Mendez: i go to sleep tomorrow we talking about [26/09/2015 17:59:58] Mendez: hello u are here? [26/09/2015 20:28:17] Mendez: i go afk on tonight i will go back After 2 days he still no talking with me... i think i got scammer
  16. 1b = 27€ if u take all (3b) 25€ each total: 75€ Paymant: PayPal gift (friends and family option). I'm trusted seller so im looking trusted buyers FOR TODAY ONLY ALL ADENA FOR 60€
  17. Selling set eternal robe +6 want adena or euro, leave offer sold inside game, thanks, closed.
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