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Posts posted by mcbigmac

  1. Depending entirely on your situation.


    Colocation generally comes cheaper, but your without many gaurentees - in terms of hardware failure.

    + buying a proper server generally seems out of budget for all the "great" servers that have been famous.


    You could consider why ;)



    It's not profitable unless your in it for the longterm haul - and you yourself have other users for a machine - should you fail.

    (Statistics say you will with a 99% hitrate within 6 months ;) )

    Most colocation contracts are minimum 12 months, sometimes 6.

  2. l2server uses a precompiled header systems for it's objects.


    //summon id


    will summon you an object with the specified pch id.


    People often think summon is only for item, it is infact for npc and item.



    Since npc's pch id's aren't just 1 2 3 4 5 like item, but 1000000 / 1 million + npcid - most people never notice.

    (You will the notice technicly you can only max have an item with an id of 1 million because of this rule/system - altho it's limited to only 10000 in c4)


    Go look at npc pch id's and try summon that id.



    so by "Raw"


    I mean the Item Class objects own ID system, not the object system's one.

  3. If memory serves me well in my old c4 release days.


    Around 1100 sockets (mix of shop,bot,active player) consumed somewhere between 18-22 MBit -( Please know the difference between bytes, and bits) in peaktime.

    Obviously newer clients send/recieve more data, but to c6 it' would probably be small percentage more.


    And that might be abit over the top - probably even less.

    Your fine with standard 100/100 connections, more than fine.




    However, there's a shitload of difference from a Consumer Line to a Business Line, to a DC's Line.

    Especially in terms of connectivity, peering & routing - and this will impact you.


    Atleast if you wanna go with a 10/10 mbit, as per your speedtest.



    You could try it out, and report back.

  4. I'd start by learning what it is contra l2j.

    Cause you clearly have no clue, about their differences, and the history.

    This will help you understand alot along the way.



    1. MSSQL.

    2. No, see above to learn why.

    3. Be aware of money hungry kids - who can set the server up (Install MSSQL, run Database scripts, and start the programs(Yes it's that simple, more or less)).

    4. You have.


  5. Open PP had a fix inserted into it's SVN long ago, by... i forgot was it kation or kuroi or... fyyre?



    Seems to be a problem after fishing data with some different instructions opcodes machine wise vs new windows 2008 architecture.

    When it's calling some waitthread que function, that screws it all up.



    //OpenPP / Normal NA/EU c4 Exe.

    	// Vista 64 / Windows 2008 Server (Incompatibility) [Fixes the Crash During the Loadage of L2Server]
    WriteInstruction(0x6432F6, 0x643307, 0, 0xE9);				// Forced Jump


    Since it's giveaway your using dVamp - and it's more or less identical, it's just switching hook/jump adress to it's corresponding proper memory adress.


    // Vista 64 / Windows 2008 Server (Incompatibility) [Fixes the Crash During the Loadage of L2Server] // dVampire
    WriteInstruction(0x643AA6, 0x643AB7, 0, 0xE9);				// Forced Jump



    Could try that, but if it crashes straight on startup obviously something is more is wrong,  that would require research.

  6. As neky's said it's quite obviously possible - with small handy work.

    You'd have to make sure that none of them use the same ports, as conflicting traffic this way would probably cause alot of booms and cocks up.

    So interdaemon traffic is untouched from l2j to l2off, and that all client traffic is routed to the correct platform.



    If you want to share auth confidentially/database, youd have to write your own login daemon ,or heavily modify l2j/l2off ones.

    I'm quite sure there's some difference between interdaemon communication - and how it passes on socket information.

    But probably not too much of a difference - not that this matters since so little know the inner workings of both platforms ;)


    Information between client and gameserver, technicly should be the same no matter if its l2j or l2off.

  7. they made all this changes for better security?



    Well they didn't do it for the lulz, did they.



    Most servers with a more comprehensive security system are using sold system.

    And therefor are more susceptible to getting screwed.

    You'll rarely find a server with a developer who has their own homebrew).


    I'd say the largest part (atleast l2off), are just the smaller changes and small shared gimmicks here and there.

  8. Has to be opcodes and formats shared and even some based framework somewhere, search the forum.


    In short, CacheDaemon has a opened port, that accepts connections, and will read packets/data, and then execute them.


    Incl, adding items, changing charlevel, name, moving char to new acc, announcing ingame blabla.



    Check out my automatic donation script, it uses it.

  9. Your not gonna a find "pack".


    Except a c1 L2Off with pretty much just client connectivity (Smeli's insane quest).


    ET quit long ago, his latest was some ct2.2 shell with not that many features, but never did get some new files to test it out proper.

    (If anyone has it, i'd like it btw).


    Nextdev/GuardEx kvoxi has their ct2.3 version, but script wise there seems to be a big workload(Who wants do scripts anyway?)- also certain feature and engine rewrites.

    Try contact him.


    And if someone privately out there has developed it, including up to date scripts - new params for scripts, and features etc etc

    They will probably demand a shit load for it - i would ;)

  10. The server's I played at had never had a timer once ported for Antharas.  Valakas like 15-20 minutes which was fine.


    The disappearing part is fine for now, but my problem is that once you try to hit or agro Antharas or Valakas you get

    auto ported to town.


    I'm not a dev, I did have one but he's on vacation and I need to fix this.


    If anyone has step by step instructions or would i need a program for this?


    Please reply kindly


    Thank you  



    Every single l2off server has it.

    And i'm quite sure if i go check L2J sources, ill find a adaption of it as well.

    So, be an adult about things, and stop going in auto-defence mode - it's tiresome.



    A quick check on ai_boss04_antaras reveals he does a ::InstantTeleportInMyTerritory to some giran coords under the attacked handler - IF he's alive and sm.dbvalue is 0.

    Remove the check, or or just simply remove the function call and your good to go.


    However, i'm not gonna bother checking if it screws up the BOSS database writes, or other timed/scripted event.


  11. sorry but need to bump this as i havent heard an answer yet!!


    I spoke to fred about this incase he knew anything and he mentioned to me it would be

    the ai.obj anyone know anything about this?


    Can i get some help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee :D



    in advance


    Suggest you learn AI, and learn how the scripting events are controlled and their timers.

    When you portal stone into antharas, a 30 minute timer is called, and then he comes out.

    (First character)


    Any other character/player needs to enter within this 30 minute timer.

    Based on some DB Values, and script events, heart of warding will also block players on certain conditions and as the timer gets closer.

    (As far as i remember, im too lazy to check the ai classes atm).


    Youd think you know this about l2, or your players for that matter.

  12. heh. next spamer. IF THIS FILES (PACK) IS SHARED GIVE THE -beep-ING LINK or stfu and cry more.



    What kind of argument is that?


    "Hello everyone i sell new interlude pack!! It's bigger than previous stuff!!

    Buy now!"


    Really? Seriously?


    Your too much of a newb to EVEN FIGURE OUT, if there IS A DIFFERENCE, from the pack posted to yours + what changes there are inside the extender or if they're SIGNIFICANT at all!



    Therefor you CANNOT STATE what is BETTER OR WORSE.



    Gah, your an arrogant dumbass little kid.

    Remember Ageworld and L2Atari? Shoulda fukken screwed you over good enough there.


    Instead of just snagging your password(which was the same one all over, nice job there numbnuts!) from your admin account on your server, and posting a few things.

    I shoulda bloody taken over your whole identity.


    Remember this little waldek?





    Maxtor should bloody interfere, if even gives a crap by now.

    Can't say some of us veteran oldies aren't trying now.


  13. Hi,



    I have this pack:





    I freely give, and help you setup dvampire server pack.


    + dVampire database.

    + Script Pack

    + l2serverx64-dll 1.75mb DLL.

    + CacheD-dll - 106kb DLL.

    + L2NPCx64-dll - 88kb DLL

    + HTML Folder

    + Perfect Geodata





    Price: Free including setup on your server, and general advice.


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