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te0x last won the day on March 5 2016

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  1. Trusted guy 2nd time that i use him. Fast and helpful
  2. Beta phase has successfully started.
  3. L2 Gungeon Saturday 26.12.20 20:00 +2 www.l2gungeon.club (under maintenance) Discord: https://discord.gg/YYZEaEx Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/L2Gungeon/ RATES: • EXP: 50x • SP: 50x • DROP: Modify • SPOIL: Disable • ADENA 2x Enchant •Maximum enchant +35 for S grades and +25 for customs Rates are modified for every enchant normal, crystals, blessed and improved are taking place as scrolls Other Rates •Maximum level 90 Low experience after 80 which is starting level In every level you get a passive with different stats PvP, Classes and Skills •PVP gives you benefits. Experience, chances of enchanting random items, chances of enchant your skills, Apiga coins to use them on the PVP shop, color name/title, pvp skills. Also we provide PVP assistant for the support classes on the parties like healers, tanks. •Most of the classes have been modified in order to have a fair pvp and pve experience in our server. SWS,BD,Summoners,Dwarfs and Elders have the most changes. Economy and Items •Medium-Hard farming experience not complicated at all. Silver,Golds,True Golds, Pure Silver, Event Medals and Glittering Medals are taking place in Cave of Trials, Cementery in order to buy custom items (Uniques,Dynasty,Rykros). Also we provide a system for talismans and belts. Tattoo's and Improved dyes are taking place. •Unique Shops that gives you random enchanted equips exist, as the 963 that gives you back the 3/3 of the price back. Events •TvT, CTF , DM events. Also an reward every 1 hour from the Santa babe (due to XMAS time). Raid Bosses •Raid bosses are taking place all over the world. All raid bosses are level 85 and 90. Over 150+ Raids. Quests •VIP, Game of Cards
  4. Beta phase is over. New season has took place. Monday 23 15:00
  5. Successfully started at 12:00,gmt+2 with 100 stable players until now. Join us on discord
  6. This is based on an old revision that i have made public in this forum, so if you are wondering if it is an ready pack that i found somewhere you would be wrong for sure. We played like 3-4 hours the beta we noticed what are the things that we need to do. So im not really worried about the opening anymore. So 28 is the G.Opening. nothing else to say. Thanks for the huge feedback the players that joined us.
  7. Im glad to announce that we are going live for 2 days (beta phase) 20 of July til 22 July. We will give 10 accounts to 10 lucky players to join our beta. It will take place on our discord channel. Grand Opening as its planned on 28 of July. We have reached 40++ votes in top sites before even the beta phase. 100+ unique ips visiting our site everyday. Also an active discord channel with lively community. Events for the grand opening are taking place also. Join our community to be fully informed!
  8. MONDAY 23 GRAND OPENING! www.l2legacypride.com Join our discord channel Legacy Pride - Interlude Project - Discord Channel Bringing back the best copy of the memorial L2Pride server. The features list is currently not stable. #Server Rates -Fast leveling to 80 level. From level 80 to level 90 the leveling process is slow. Bonus experience is available in many ways. -Adena rate is reduced. -Custom drops. #Buffslots -Limited buff slots for each class. -Any self-buffs as Rage, Warcry etc do not take up buff slots. -You do not lose any buff effect after your death. #Enchanting -Enchant rates are totally custom. They depend on the item you are trying to enchant, the enchant scroll that you are using and the enchant level of the item. #Characters -No weight penalty, no grade penalty, no exp loss in PVP. -By increasing your PVPS you gain custom skills, and your name/title colors change to a different color. #Hero -Heroes are chosen every two weeks. The Olympiad period starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, exactly 14 days after the start. -Extra Hero skills such as raidboss skills(Force Halo, Lightning Erruption, Pressure Bomb) #Events -Autoevents such as TVTs, CTFs, DMs. All events have absolutely robust team-attack protection, spawn zone protection, and reward the loser teams with 1/3 of the prize.
  9. SoloPvpZone file n voteManager file for sure. Configs are fucked up aswell.
  10. missing files on source. invalid configs also. its pretty much useless.
  11. class balance is not that bad. Is pretty good actually. Ye the solo farm is bad, but is not that hard to find a party to farm or to do the instances. The only sad thing here is the hunters village. Join on it full clans with full gear and let nobody to pvp, everybody leaves the hunter. Although the server is so good, i had like 5 years to play on a server like dat. If the support as as good as the server is it would be fantastic. Gj keep it up. * Shouldn't this topic be moved on live servers and not preview?
  12. Its really nice server. Although i guess that blazing and Mos doesnt have enough mobs for solo players if pagan exist only the weekends. Gl & gj
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