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Everything posted by ton3

  1. you probably didnt register your newzone in ZoneData.
  2. probably gameserver port is not open :7777
  3. I had the same problem on acis , I just changed these 2 lines on multifunctionzone config . # If set to false, zone will be no-restart zone NoRestartZone = False # If set to false, zone will be no-logout zone NoLogoutZone = False Change them to True. after this change everything worked perfectly
  4. using acis?
  5. don't remove this line if u dont want "to village" button to dissapear java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/Die.java - writeD(0x01); // to nearest village and if you add this line and remove the line above , to village button will be gone. + writeD(_canTeleport ? 0x01 : 0); // to nearest village
  6. I cant make this zone work , I compiled everything without errors , added MultiFunctionzone.xml to zones folder. ACIS REV 310 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <zone type="MultiFunctionZone" shape="Npoly" minZ="-7322" maxZ="-7122"> <node X="178284" Y="-83916" /> <node X="178969" Y="-83889" /> <node X="179057" Y="-83923" /> <node X="179978" Y="-84850" /> <node X="179993" Y="-85582" /> <node X="179984" Y="-86230" /> <node X="179944" Y="-86320" /> <node X="179331" Y="-86924" /> <node X="179028" Y="-87228" /> <node X="178296" Y="-87257" /> <node X="177665" Y="-87259" /> <node X="176698" Y="-86324" /> <node X="176667" Y="-85597" /> </zone> </list> nothing seems to work , im trying to add 4s as multifunctionzone. I even disabled 4s to see if that was bugged but nothing.
  7. well , crafting S grade item these days may be boring.
  8. how to change zone? crystall caverns for tower of insolence 14
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