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Everything posted by Kustosz

  1. dont know yet, it doesnt matter that much on x15 gracia server , can reroll everyday but im waiting for beta to decide so far its about 10 people
  2. Hello, we will join this server in small group of few ppl, and we are looking for some english speaking company, priv me if anyone think of joining here, forum looks empty :<
  3. We are joining too, it's worth to say it will run on 2.0 Saviors chronicle and opening tomorrow. cya in game
  4. Hello ,we play on server l2 e-global Gracia final x7 , site : http://l2e-global.com/ ONLINE ON SERVER 3000+++ OUR CP : prime 20:30-00:00 gmt+2 ,67-77 lvls lf BP or BD ( only 1 ! ) and driver for 74 WC We can share acc with BP/BD 65+ , pm in game : Putinov , Wizzy , Legionary CP is international.
  5. read pm
  6. Note: Shame that EU community died , R.I.P. FINALLY SOMETHING NOT RELATED WITH IL/h5 , REBIRTH OF GRACIA PVP , GRACIA FINAL MID RATE x20 made by Defo , with protection of rpg-club Opening - 23.07.16 , 20:00 msk. Community - mostly russian , there will be clan for randoms who want to play here to partymatch. Rates : exp x30 sp x30 Adena x20 spoil( chance) x2 spoil (amount) x5 itemdrop (chance) x10 itemdrop (amount) x1 Quest (reward) x1 (3rd prof Quest adena reward x5) Quest (items) x5 (Guardians of the Holy Grail, some other x1) Raid drop (no good source) x1 IMPORTANT INFO : HB openine 01.08 with trust lvl 6 olympiad sarts 01.08 Festifal of darkness 25.07 Blacksmith of mammon in shop multi offline shop. GM Shop : 1. Armor. B grade for adena A grade for adena+coins 2. Weapons top B for adena top A for adena Interlude weapons for adena+coins 3. Jewelery B grade for adena A grade for adena+coins 4. Misc. Soul crystal 11 30 coins Soul crystal 12 300 coins Giant Codex - 120kk Adena Ancient adena dual sword c.s. 50 coins stones(elment?) - 40k Ancient Adena bss and soulshots D-C-B-A Belts shirts hats , runes , vit. , elixirs , etc. Online - expected to be enough to have lot of pvp , mostly russian players yet we (internationals) encourage You to join and stomp em. Contact via skype : Kistos92 or PM here.
  7. server opening 12.04 , full russian ,gracia final pts , looking for people to play together , pref. rus. speaking or - looking for someone for duo to make PK party at opening :) info - skype : kustosz9000 or here by PM.
  8. any1 though about server with high rates , like 15-20x , on gracia final chronicle , where You can easily get S grade , through GM shop , but Dynasty and vesper drop chance will be like x2 , and Ancient tome of demon drop x2 too , so people will have to farm for set higher than S It would get online players with time , where noone quit after 3 days and community gro up daily for long time. If any1 see such project , or on any other chronicle , reply plx )
  9. up , very active CP lf Arba and EE , we can help with start many pvp guaranted.
  10. CP looking for BD , active , we can help with 1/2 class and adena for start - constact Turkas , ALHTHS , Kustosz .
  11. Nuke CP is looking for OL pm Kustosz , angelis , w3ndy , or skype : kustosz9000
  12. CP looking for very active/close to nolife/nolife necro , OL or BD ( one free slot ! ) also other CP is lf BP/SWS contact pm , here , skype : kustosz9000
  13. Melee cp looking for active prophet , Nuke cp looking for nolife BD 2nd Nuke cp looking for active SWS or BP melee cp looking for active BP/SWS also lf full CP's or 6+ groups sub clan is lf active people w/o CP to form some in future - no casuals.
  14. Looking for 3 randoms to close our parties , recruiting full cp's or at least 6+ ppl groups also lf random solo players who will to play without CP - not casuals constact PM , skype - Kustosz9000
  15. Lf some classes to close some parties , lf full CP's or 6+ ppl groups , lf solo players to play without CP as 10th for more than 1 pt. ( some classes , not casuals )
  16. up , lf people to close existing CP's Lf full CP's , or group of 6 or more ppl to start new CP lf players who will to play without CP - not casuals.
  17. Server name: Fantastic Chronicle: Gracia Epilogue Platform: PTS Opening date: 09/03/2014 SERVER INFO : http://forum.shock-world.com/index.php?showtopic=30225 Clan info - looking for few people to close new parties. Skype Kustosz9000
  18. http://forum.shock-world.com/index.php?showforum=200 Forum for international community , most probably website will be translated tomorrow.
  19. There was already international project with unknown team , who had 330 online after long advertising campain and failed totally. Good luck with all - tho You have "copied" their features.
  20. up , never enough of international ppl against ruskies.
  21. Hello Brutality , opening today ?
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