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About Kukiman

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  1. With WTFast, you can abuse vote rewards/votes/botting/maximum number of acc per IP. Bad idea imo
  2. When does it get up? Can't find the exact time at the website or at the 1st post in this topic.
  3. Well if it is super l2off lowrate server and you have 2 heroes after 3 weeks tham it is shittt serbidor. #LFconfirmation
  4. Impossible imo... L2 community is low and is shrinking every year, and there is very few people that ejnoy playing on some stacksub servers, it will be another 300 online server :((
  5. Ehhehehehe bella u rebel like shit. U banned me everywhere because I told you the truth about your shit server and now you dare to tell people that players like you because you tell the truth about shit servers. Close your serbidor plx
  6. Sup Bella, didnt i tell you that it will happen?? :((
  7. Yup exact copyof ertheia.
  8. Why me banned? :((( Why u double post again? Even an amoeba learns faster than you :poker face: :poker face:
  9. Kukiman, on 14 Aug 2015 - 4:11 PM, said: no So why Bella told me that you pmed Him and you said that you will play? Ehh Bella u little liar!
  10. 1. Yup you are totally right, people should go and check forum, after 5 weeks of "bete testing", there are 5 topics, and 1 is created by me and bazinga - it has the most replies, and it's about delaying the grand opening and opening the beta again. 2. I was there 10 minutes ago, there was 20 ppl :D 3. Lol on you, you will see xD 4. Yeah, Tales dont have 600 live, on Valakas/Anthy there was over 400 ppl, same on aden ~300-400, and ur saying there is not 600ppl live :D. Every single farm spot is taken, but anyway - keep living the dream, it has around 3k for sure. 5. Ok then, I will be back from holidays in 2 weeks, and I will check the online, I can bet my cat that it wont be above 700 online with FAKE COUNTER - that is, boxes/bots/offline shops, which you r online counter actually counts, beng. 6. Bella doesn't like to listen to the truth, and keeps saying that Tales has 500 online, and beta was dead, when there was about 30-40 ppl fighting at oly at Tales Beta 24/7 :D 7. I say everything in the right way, just when I read your responses I go :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: READY FOR SOME FLAAAAAAME!!!
  11. No reccomendations from me :(( 1. Forum is empty, still that 150 ppl online at forum (fake) - there is like 10max. 2. 20 ppl onlie at beta, just a few hours before the start XD 3. AchYlek will be playing there :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: so get ready for scams/bug exploits/ tons of bots and thefts. 4. When I told Admin that Talesky was better, and it had 500-600 online at beta, he banned me in the game, on the forums (he know well that I am telling the truth, but he doesn't want his 110 server population to listen to it ), now me is sad. :( 5. Online won't even hit 700-800 with boxes/bots/offline shops. 6. Bella doesn't like me, and he is kiddo :(
  12. Well AchYlek, he actually organised an event on forum that is about posting some encouraging posts on this topic, so I doubt this are his bots. That's the only time I will defend it :D BTW if any1 is looking for info, beta still dead and Grand opening is tomorrow I guess?
  13. Maybe not 300k, but well over 100k for sure :P. In next few years if you donks keep on playing his servers and donating he will be first lineage2 millionaire. :D
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