1. Yup you are totally right, people should go and check forum, after 5 weeks of "bete testing", there are 5 topics, and 1 is created by me and bazinga - it has the most replies, and it's about delaying the grand opening and opening the beta again. 2. I was there 10 minutes ago, there was 20 ppl :D 3. Lol on you, you will see xD 4. Yeah, Tales dont have 600 live, on Valakas/Anthy there was over 400 ppl, same on aden ~300-400, and ur saying there is not 600ppl live :D. Every single farm spot is taken, but anyway - keep living the dream, it has around 3k for sure. 5. Ok then, I will be back from holidays in 2 weeks, and I will check the online, I can bet my cat that it wont be above 700 online with FAKE COUNTER - that is, boxes/bots/offline shops, which you r online counter actually counts, beng. 6. Bella doesn't like to listen to the truth, and keeps saying that Tales has 500 online, and beta was dead, when there was about 30-40 ppl fighting at oly at Tales Beta 24/7 :D 7. I say everything in the right way, just when I read your responses I go :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: READY FOR SOME FLAAAAAAME!!!