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Balrog• last won the day on July 28 2014

Balrog• had the most liked content!

About Balrog•

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  1. You can ask any change for free! Addons+ Logo Design : 30 euro
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  2. ganw to spiti sas mpastarda poutanas gie andre thes sobara file na erthw tha mou peis akribws p meneis? dwse mou akribws ta panta dwse k ena thl tha se parw apo to diko mou kai kanonizoume..
  3. I agree. I wish good luck this project cost much money and i don't want to see to fail for any reason. Sorry for my bad english.
  4. I think is better than first :D I dont use the design just i do only htmls
  5. yo gangsta.
  6. siga mhn trekso neapoli FAT ..
  7. p meneis re aderfh gt polu milas mpastarde..
  8. kses kati i haters epidh den mporoun na se ftasoun se krinoun i se brizoun ..
  9. I dont create theme just i adapt what i learn..
  10. Apo to pc kala milane ta arxidia giauto lew na to dw live... oute magas oute tipota PERIERGIA aplh.
  11. re poutanas gie esena tha sou gamisw tin mana epeidh perneis pipes kai den eisai ikanos gia tpt FAT-HATER-VIRGIN - QQ Sas grafw sta arxidia mou olous edw mesa kai aneta tha sou espaga to kefali KOZANH menw.. an eisai konta steile na brethoume apo konta .
  12. your skype is wrong.
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