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About SmD

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Stuff full Corrupted...server has a lot of bugs, including bugs on siege...ther is no point to play here.
  2. Would you like to make some balance ....what you think ? Archers = OP ! LOW THEM !! Paladin can wear bow....you kidding me nigga ? Raise magic atk on mages !! ( + 17 am ----- > surrender + vortex !!! 500 dmg max on archers, th, duelists, tyrants ! and mage recive 4k from archer ) !!!
  3. Can you explain us wtf is going on ? Is it opened or what ?
  4. SmD

    interlude [L2J]L2 Staris

    Look nice.....Online ?
  5. Look nice I will join for sure ! :D
  6. This is archer server !!! Ther is no balance ....im sorry but server is really fail !
  7. 185212 HOUR LEFT AT 1524:4586 GMT +50 WILL OPEN !!!!! Fail Admin and server ..... nothing new :D :D :D
  8. Fail team ...Fail Server !!!!! Patch = 200 MB GO DIE MOFO PLEASE !!!!!
  9. Wher is link for download ? If i remember you say that patch will be able 14.12. right ?
  10. Fail server , Dagger OP !
  11. +1 man .... they are bastards and fail team !
  12. Perfect features , i like it ! Will join for sure ! Good luck guys ! :happyforever:
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